AFRAME.registerComponent('graph', { schema: { csv: { type: 'string' }, id: { type: 'int', default: '0' }, width: { type: 'number', default: 1 }, height: { type: 'number', default: 1 }, depth: { type: 'number', default: 1 } }, /** * Called once when component is attached. Generally for initial setup. */ update: function () { // Entity data var el = this.el; var object3D = el.object3D; var data =; var width = data.width; var height = data.height; var depth = data.depth; // These will be used to set the range of the axes' scales var xRange = [0, width]; var yRange = [0, height]; var zRange = [0, -depth]; /** * Create origin point. * This gives a solid reference point for scaling data. * It is positioned at the vertex of the left grid and bottom grid (towards the front). */ var originPointPosition = (-width / 2) + ' 0 ' + (depth / 2); var originPointID = 'originPoint' +;'a-entity') .attr('id', originPointID) .attr('position', originPointPosition); // Create graphing area out of three textured planes var grid = gridMaker(width, height, depth); object3D.add(grid); // Label axes var xLabelPosition = (width / 3.2) + ' ' + '-0.1' + ' ' + '0';'#' + originPointID) .append('a-entity') .attr('id', 'x') .attr('bmfont-text', 'text: Sepal Length (cm)') .attr('position', xLabelPosition); var yLabelPosition = (width + 0.05) + ' ' + (height / 2.2) + ' ' + (-depth);'#' + originPointID) .append('a-entity') .attr('id', 'y') .attr('bmfont-text', 'text: Petal Length (cm)') .attr('position', yLabelPosition); var zLabelPosition = (width + 0.02) + ' ' + '-0.05' + ' ' + (-depth / 2);'#' + originPointID) .append('a-entity') .attr('id', 'z') .attr('bmfont-text', 'text: Sepal Width (cm)') .attr('position', zLabelPosition); if (data.csv) { /* Plot data from CSV */ var originPoint ='#originPoint' +; // Needed to assign species a color var cScale = d3.scale.ordinal() .domain(["Iris-virginica", "Iris-versicolor", "Iris-setosa"]) .range(["green", "blue", "red"]); // Convert CSV data from string to number d3.csv(data.csv, function (data) { data.forEach(function (d) { d.color = cScale(d.Species) }); plotData(data); }); var plotData = function (data) { // Scale x, y, and z values var xExtent = d3.extent(data, function (d) { return d.SepalLengthCm; }); var xScale = d3.scale.linear() .domain(xExtent) .range([xRange[0], xRange[1]]) .clamp('true'); var yExtent = d3.extent(data, function (d) { return d.PetalLengthCm; }); var yScale = d3.scale.linear() .domain(yExtent) .range([yRange[0], yRange[1]]); var zExtent = d3.extent(data, function (d) { return d.SepalWidthCm; }); var zScale = d3.scale.linear() .domain(zExtent) .range([zRange[0], zRange[1]]); // Append data to graph and attach event listeners originPoint.selectAll('a-sphere') .data(data) .enter() .append('a-sphere') .attr('radius', 0.03) .attr('color', function(d) { return d.color; }) .attr('position', function (d) { return xScale(d.SepalLengthCm) + ' ' + yScale(d.PetalLengthCm) + ' ' + zScale(d.SepalWidthCm).append('text').text( function () { return 'test'; } ) }) .on('mouseenter', mouseEnter); /** * Event listener adds and removes data labels. * "this" refers to sphere element of a given data point. */ function mouseEnter () { // Get data var data = this.__data__; // Get width of graphBox (needed to set label position) var graphBoxEl = this.parentElement.parentElement; var graphBoxData =; var graphBoxWidth = graphBoxData.width; // Look for an existing label var oldLabel ='#tempDataLabel'); var oldLabelParent = () { return this.parentNode; }); // Look for an existing beam var oldBeam ='#tempDataBeam'); // Look for an existing background var oldBackground ='#tempDataBackground'); // If there is no existing label, make one if (oldLabel[0][0] === null) { labelMaker(this, graphBoxWidth); } else { // Remove old label oldLabel.remove(); // Remove beam oldBeam.remove(); // Remove background oldBackground.remove(); // Create new label labelMaker(this, graphBoxWidth); } } }; } } }); /* HELPER FUNCTIONS */ /** * planeMaker() creates a plane given width and height (kind of). * It is used by gridMaker(). */ function planeMaker (horizontal, vertical) { // Controls texture repeat for U and V var uHorizontal = horizontal * 4; var vVertical = vertical * 4; // Load a texture, set wrap mode to repeat var texture = new THREE.TextureLoader().load(''); texture.wrapS = THREE.RepeatWrapping; texture.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping; texture.anisotropy = 16; texture.repeat.set(uHorizontal, vVertical); // Create material and geometry var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({map: texture, side: THREE.DoubleSide}); var geometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(horizontal, vertical); return new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material); } /** * gridMaker() creates a graphing box given width, height, and depth. * The textures are also scaled to these dimensions. * * There are many ways this function could be improved or done differently * e.g. buffer geometry, merge geometry, better reuse of material/geometry. */ function gridMaker (width, height, depth) { var grid = new THREE.Object3D(); // AKA bottom grid var xGrid = planeMaker(width, depth); xGrid.rotation.x = 90 * (Math.PI / 180); grid.add(xGrid); // AKA far grid var yPlane = planeMaker(width, height); yPlane.position.y = (0.5) * height; yPlane.position.z = (-0.5) * depth; grid.add(yPlane); // AKA side grid var zPlane = planeMaker(depth, height); zPlane.position.x = (-0.5) * width; zPlane.position.y = (0.5) * height; zPlane.rotation.y = 90 * (Math.PI / 180); grid.add(zPlane); return grid; } /** * labelMaker() creates a label for a given data point and graph height. * dataEl - A data point's element. * graphBoxWidth - The width of the graph. */ function labelMaker (dataEl, graphBoxWidth) { var dataElement =; // Retrieve original data var dataValues = dataEl.__data__; // Create individual x, y, and z labels using original data values // round to 1 decimal space (should use d3 format for consistency later) var sepalLength = 'Sepal length (cm): ' + dataValues.SepalLengthCm + '\n \n'; var petalLength = 'Petal length (cm): ' + dataValues.PetalLengthCm + '\n \n'; var sepalWidth = 'Sepal width (cm): ' + dataValues.SepalWidthCm; var labelText = 'text: ' + sepalLength + petalLength + sepalWidth; // Position label right of graph var padding = 0.2; var sphereXPosition = dataEl.getAttribute('position').x; var labelXPosition = (graphBoxWidth + padding) - sphereXPosition; var labelPosition = labelXPosition + ' -0.43 0'; // Add pointer var beamWidth = labelXPosition; // The beam's pivot is in the center var beamPosition = (labelXPosition - (beamWidth / 2)) + '0 0'; dataElement.append('a-box') .attr('id', 'tempDataBeam') .attr('height', '0.01') .attr('width', beamWidth) .attr('depth', '0.01') .attr('color', 'purple') .attr('position', beamPosition); // Add label dataElement.append('a-entity') .attr('id', 'tempDataLabel') .attr('bmfont-text', labelText) .attr('position', labelPosition); var backgroundPosition = (labelXPosition + 1.15) + ' 0.02 -0.1'; // Add background card dataElement.append('a-plane') .attr('id', 'tempDataBackground') .attr('width', '2.3') .attr('height', '1.3') .attr('color', '#ECECEC') .attr('position', backgroundPosition); }