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forked from carlosfelipetorres's block: Tarea3

What, why, and how analysis


  • Dataset Type: Table (A bar chart)
  • Data Types: Items & Attributes
    1. Codes of students (Categorical type)
    2. Grades (Ordered, quantitative, sequential)


  • Actions:
    1. Analyze
      1. Consume → Present
      1. Lookup → Target & Location known
      1. Compare
  • Targets:
    1. All data
      1. Trends
      1. Distribution


  • Encode
    1. Arrange
      1. Express & Align
      1. Size
  • Manipulate
    1. Select

    Decisions made:

    1. A bar chart was used because the main task was the comparison between the different grades of the students.

    2. It was ordered in an ascending way to have a more accurately comparison the order or ranking of their grades.

    3. On the Y axis it's set the grades, a continuous variable. And in the X axis it's set the codes of the students, a categorical, unordered variable.

    4. The code was made in De version 4 and its using a tools for visualizing tooltips named Tipsy.

    5. The diagram interaction is seen in the moment we pass the mouse over the bars (hover). In this interaction the user can "ask" the visualization "what's going on" with it and the visualization will tell him theexact grade of that code.

    6. For maintaining the best accuracy with the data, the tooltip was implemented as the number of students codes are kind of large and the user really can't tell what is the exact value of the bars just with a simple glance.

    7. The visualization is most of all for presenting and comparing grades, and the interaction is beyond that to show the exact grade.

    8. The channels used in the visualization were the lenght of the bars, and the bars were the marks.