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Basic genetic algorithm in JS
<!-- * Basic Genetic algorithm * JS/ES6 * * by @clemsos, with the help of Nature of Code --> <button onclick="start()">START</button> <button onclick="stop()">STOP</button> <button onclick="init()">INIT</button> <p> <b><span id="target"></span></b> </br> <span id="best"></span> <ul> <li> mutation rate : <span id="mutationRate"></span> </li> <li> average fitness: <span id="avgFitness"></span> </li> <li> total population: <span id="maxPop"></span> </li> <li> total generations : <span id="counter"></span> </li> </ul> </p> <div id="genetic"></div> <script> // 1. initialize const MUTATION_RATE = 0.01, SPEED = 100 document.getElementById("mutationRate").innerHTML = MUTATION_RATE*100 + "%" var target = "how happy days", popMax = 150, timer, i, mutants = getInitialPopulation(target); // show target document.getElementById("target").innerHTML = target; init(target) start() // population of random elements function init(target) { mutants = getInitialPopulation(target); i = 0; } function start () { timer = setInterval(() => { draw() }, SPEED); } function stop() { clearInterval(timer) } function draw() { mutants = newGeneration(mutants) if (mutants.indexOf(target) !== -1) stop() } function getInitialPopulation(target) { return [...new Array(popMax)] .map( d => Array(Math.floor(Math.random() * target.length)+1) // random length .fill("a") .map( d => getRandomLetter() ) .join("") ) } function newGeneration(population) { let matePool = [] let fitness = population.map(e => calcFitness(e, target) ) let avgFitness = fitness.reduce((a, b) => a + b ) / fitness.length let best = getBest(fitness) let maxFitness = Math.max.apply(null, fitness); // 2. selection population .forEach( (e, i) => { // - evaluate fitness of each element let fit = map(fitness[i],0,maxFitness,0,0.1); let pool = Array(Math.floor(fit*100)).fill(e) matePool = [ ...matePool, ...pool] }) let mutants = population.map((a) => { // - pick two parents let i = Math.floor(Math.random()*matePool.length); let j = Math.floor(Math.random()*matePool.length); // - crossover (create a child by combining DNA) let child = crossover(matePool[j],matePool[j]) // - mutation (mutate the child based on a given probability) let mutant = mutate(child) // - add the new child to the population return mutant }) let bestMutant = getBest(mutants.map(e => calcFitness(e, target)) ) show(mutants, i++, avgFitness, mutants[bestMutant]) return mutants } function getBest(fitness){ return fitness.indexOf(Math.max(...fitness)); } function calcFitness (source, target) { let score = 0; source.split("").forEach( (letter, i) => target[i] === letter ? score ++ : null ) return score / target.split("").length; } console.assert(calcFitness("love", "love") === 1) console.assert(calcFitness("1ove", "love") === .75) function crossover(a,b) { let len = target.split("").length; let midpoint = Math.floor(Math.random()*len) // Pick a midpoint // Half from one, half from the other let child = a.split("").slice(0,midpoint).join("") + b.split("").slice(midpoint,len).join("") console.log(child.length) return child } function map (num, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max) { return (num - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min; } // Based on a mutation probability, picks a new random character function mutate(child) { return child .split("") .map( letter => Math.random() < MUTATION_RATE ? getRandomLetter() : letter ) .join("") } function getRandomLetter() { return " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"[Math.floor(Math.random() * 26)] } function show(population, i, avgFitness, best) { var li = population.map(d => "<li>" + d + "</li>").join("") document.getElementById("genetic").innerHTML = "<ul style='columns: 4'>"+li+"</ul>" document.getElementById("counter").innerHTML = i + " generations" document.getElementById("avgFitness").innerHTML = Math.round(avgFitness*100)/100 document.getElementById("best").innerHTML = best document.getElementById("maxPop").innerHTML = population.length } </script>