Old school D3 from simpler times
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Theme Experiment
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<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v4.min.js"></script> <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato" rel="stylesheet"> <style> body { margin:0; } </style> </head> <body> <svg width='960', height='500'></svg> <script> function buildTheme() { const colors = { blues: [ '#0071bb', // Use for text, and lines. '#007ec3', '#4c8ecb', '#73a0d5', '#8aaedc', '#a2bde2', '#bacdea', '#c7d5ed' ], yellows: [ '#fdeb00', // Accent color, or text on black. '#feed51', '#fef184', '#fef5ad', '#fef9d4' ], greens: [ "#58c274" ], grays: [ '#253645' // Use for subheadline ] }; const text = { headline: { color: colors.blues[0], font: { family: 'Lato, sans-serif', size: '38pt' } }, subheadline: { color: colors.grays[0], font: { family: 'Lato, sans-serif', size: '19pt' } }, body: { color: colors.grays[0], font: { family: 'Lato, sans-serif', size: '10pt' } } }; return { colors, text }; } const theme = buildTheme(); const squareSize = 110; const squareSpacing = 10; const margin = squareSpacing / 2; const rects = (selection, colors) => { selection.selectAll('rect .brand-blue').data(colors) .enter().append('rect') .attr('class', 'brand-blue') .attr('x', (d, i) => i * (squareSize + squareSpacing)) .attr('width', squareSize) .attr('height', squareSize) .attr('fill', d => d); }; const svg = d3.select('svg'); const width = svg.attr('width'); const innerWidth = width - margin * 2; const g = svg.append('g') .attr('transform', `translate(${margin}, ${margin})`); g.append('g') .call(rects, theme.colors.blues); g.append('line') .attr('x1', 0) .attr('x2', innerWidth) .attr('y1', squareSize + squareSpacing) .attr('y2', squareSize + squareSpacing) .attr('stroke', theme.colors.blues[0]) .attr('stroke-width', 1); g.append('g') .attr('transform', `translate(0, ${squareSize + squareSpacing * 2})`) .call(rects, theme.colors.yellows.concat(theme.colors.greens)); g.append('g') .attr('transform', `translate(0, ${squareSize*2 + squareSpacing*2 + 60})`) .append('text') .style('font-family', theme.text.headline.font.family) .style('font-size', theme.text.headline.font.size) .attr('fill', theme.text.headline.color) .text('Headline'); g.append('g') .attr('transform', `translate(0, ${squareSize*2 + squareSpacing*2 + 90})`) .append('text') .style('font-family', theme.text.subheadline.font.family) .style('font-size', theme.text.subheadline.font.size) .attr('fill', theme.text.subheadline.color) .text('Subheadline looks like this'); g.append('g') .attr('transform', `translate(0, ${squareSize*2 + squareSpacing*2 + 110})`) .append('text') .style('font-family', theme.text.body.font.family) .style('font-size', theme.text.body.font.size) .attr('fill', theme.text.body.color) .text('Body copy has this sort of look and feel to it.'); </script> </body>