// This is the RequireJS configuration that sets up module paths. // // This file is documented here: // http://requirejs.org/docs/api.html#config // // Curran Kelleher March 2015 (function(){ // Use a fixed version of Chiasm, which provides the visualization runtime. var chiasmPath = "//curran.github.io/cdn/chiasm-v0.1.2/client/src"; // Here's how to can use a local development version // if this Gist is cloned into a sibling directory to the chiasm repo. //var chiasmPath = "../chiasm/client/src/core"; requirejs.config({ // Set up the Chiasm package. // https://github.com/curran/chiasm packages: [{ name: "chiasm", location: chiasmPath + "/core" }], // Set up paths for Bower dependencies. // Uses github.com/curran/cdn paths: { // Visualization library. // http://d3js.org/ d3: "//curran.github.io/cdn/d3-v3.5.5/d3.min", // Reactive model library. // https://github.com/curran/model model: "//curran.github.io/cdn/model-v0.2.0/dist/model", // Functional programming utilities. // http://benmccormick.org/2014/11/12/underscore-vs-lodash/ lodash: "//curran.github.io/cdn/lodash-v3.5.0/lodash.min", // Asynchronous control flow. // https://github.com/caolan/async async: "//curran.github.io/cdn/async-v0.9.2/lib/async", // Syntax-highlighted text editor for code. // http://codemirror.net/ codemirror: "//curran.github.io/cdn/codemirror-v5.0.0", // Provides interactive color picker and slider for CodeMirror. // https://github.com/enjalot/Inlet.git inlet: "//curran.github.io/cdn/inlet/inlet", // Configure paths for plugins loaded at runtime. plugins: chiasmPath + "/plugins" } }); })();