require(["d3", "forceDirectedGraph", "lodash"], function (d3, ForceDirectedGraph, lodash) { // Initialize the force directed graph. var container ="#container").node(), forceDirectedGraph = ForceDirectedGraph({ container: container }); // Initialize zoom based on client size. var scale = container.clientWidth * 1 / 800; forceDirectedGraph.scale = scale; forceDirectedGraph.translate = [ container.clientWidth / 2 * (1 - scale), container.clientHeight / 2 * (1 - scale) ]; // Set up default data. if(!location.hash){ location.hash = '{"nodes":[{"type":"lambda","fixed":0,"x":442,"y":250},{"type":"property","property":"firstName","fixed":1,"x":290,"y":212},{"type":"property","property":"lastName","fixed":1,"x":293,"y":294},{"type":"property","property":"fullName","fixed":0,"x":581,"y":247}],"links":[{"source":1,"target":0},{"source":2,"target":0},{"source":0,"target":3}],"scale":1.938287710980903,"translate":[-360.71751731834274,-241.583180104211]}'; } // Update the fragment identifier in response to user interactions. forceDirectedGraph.when(["state"], function(state){ location.hash = JSON.stringify(state); console.log(JSON.stringify(state)); }); // Sets the data on the graph visualization from the fragment identifier. // See function navigate(){ if(location.hash){ var newState = JSON.parse(location.hash.substr(1)); if(JSON.stringify(newState) !== JSON.stringify(forceDirectedGraph.state)){ forceDirectedGraph.state = newState; } } } // Navigate once to the initial hash value. navigate(); // Navigate whenever the fragment identifier value changes. window.addEventListener("hashchange", navigate); // Sets the `box` model property // based on the size of the container, function computeBox(){ = { width: container.clientWidth, height: container.clientHeight }; } // once to initialize ``, and computeBox(); // whenever the browser window resizes in the future. window.addEventListener("resize", computeBox); });