'use strict'; function EgCtrl(plotLib, $http, $scope, $location) { plotLib.midMonths = function(ms, y) { return ms.map(function(m) { return new Date(y, m, 15); }); }; // Turn a vector of [[x1,y1], [x2,y2], ..., [xn,yn]] into a vector // of y-values interpolated to [f, ..., t]. plotLib.fillIn = function(d, f, t) { var ft = t - f + 1; var ys = new Array(ft); var x1 = d[0][0], xn = d[d.length-1][0]; var y1 = d[0][1], yn = d[d.length-1][1]; if (d.length == 1) for (var i = 0; i < ft; ++i) ys[i] = y1; else { var i = 0; if (f < x1) { var delta = (d[1][1] - y1) / (d[1][0] - x1); var yf = y1 - delta * (x1 - f); for (; i < x1-f; ++i) ys[i] = yf + delta * i; } ys[i] = y1; var j = 1; while (j < d.length) { var ym = d[j-1][1], yp = d[j][1], xm = d[j-1][0], xp = d[j][0]; var delta = (yp - ym) / (xp - xm); for (; x1+i < d[j][0]; ++i) ys[i] = ym + delta * (x1+i - xm); if (i < ft) ys[i++] = d[j++][1]; } if (i < ft) { var delta = (yn - d[d.length-2][1]) / (xn - d[d.length-2][0]); for (var i0 = i; i < ft; ++i) ys[i] = yn + delta * (i-i0+1); } } return ys; }; $scope.loadStockData = function() { $http.get('/data/stocks/' + $scope.dset + '.csv'). success(function(data) { $scope.datavalues = data; }); }; $scope.stockInit = function() { $scope.dset = 'CSCO'; $scope.loadStockData($scope.dset); }; $scope.$watch('$location.hash', function() { var url = "http://" + location.host + "/eg/" + location.hash.slice(2) + ".html"; $http.get(url).success(function(res) { res = res.replace(/

(.|\n)*<\/h3>\n\n/m, ""); $('div.container pre.include-source').remove(); var ctr = $('div.container'); ctr.append('
' +
'); var code = $($(ctr.children()[ctr.children().length-1]).children()[0]); code.text(res); code.highlight(); }); }); } EgCtrl.$inject = ['plotLib', '$http', '$scope', '$location']; var negs = 85; var eggrps = [ { title: "Plot types", items: [["Basic plot; CSV data", 1], ["Basic plot; JSON data", 2], ["Bar charts", 11], ["Func. plots", 12], ["Func. plots", 13], ["Basic points plot", 17], ["Textual points plot", 81], ["Range attributes", 18], ["Log axes", 19], ["Second axes", 20], ["Bar chart", 21], ["Bar chart (px width)", 51], ["Test", 22], ["Histogram #1", 32], ["Histogram #2", 53], ["Histogram #3", 54], ["Histogram #4", 74], ["Simple area plot", 35], ["Rug plots", 73], ["Simple heatmap", 52]] }, { title: "UI examples", items: [["Int. legend; fading", 3], ["X-axis zoom", 4], ["Stroke fade UI", 5], ["Stroke colour UI", 6], ["X/Y variable UI", 7], ["UI in layout #1", 69], ["UI in layout #2", 70], ["UI in layout #3", 71], ["Axis transformations", 76]] }, { title: "Data access", items: [["Date handling", 9], ["JSON date handling", 65], ["Hierarchical JSON data", 66], ["Data aggr. funcs.", 10], ["Vectorisation", 14], ["Data binding", 15], ["Integer pluck", 23], ["Pluck expr. test", 40], ["Data via URL", 34], ["Data via URL (binding)", 67], ["Data via URL (ng-model)", 68], ["Missing data", 79]] }, { title: "Layout", items: [["Layout #1", 42], ["Layout #2", 43], ["Layout #3", 44], ["Layout #4", 45], ["Layout #5", 46], ["Layout #6", 47], ["Simple plot stack", 8], ["Complex plot stack", 63], ["Nested plot stacks", 64]] }, { title: "Palettes", items: [["Norm. palette", 25], ["Disc. palette", 26], ["Disc. pal. (mark)", 27], ["Func. + pal.", 28], ["Func. + abs. pal.", 29], ["Abs. pal. terrain", 30], ["Banded pal.", 33], ["Comp. pal. #1", 36], ["Comp. pal. #2", 37], ["Gradient pal.", 38], ["Categorical palettes", 50]] }, { title: "Discrete data", items: [["Categorical points", 59], ["Categorical bars #1", 60], ["Categorical bars #2", 61], ["Categorical bars #3", 62], ["Categorical lines", 82]] }, { title: "Formatting", items: [["", 16], ["Plot titles #1", 41], ["Font selection #1", 49], ["Font selection #2", 72], ["Scientific notation", 55], ["Date axis formatting", 56], ["Explicit ticks", 57], ["Tick sizes/padding", 58], ["Legends", 77], ["Legends #2", 78], ["Legends #3 (metadata)", 83]] }, { title: "Bigger examples", items: [["Health & wealth", 39]] }, { title: "Bugs", items: [["Tom's data example", 24], ["Test", 22], ["plot-options bug", 31], ["Palettes & ng-repeat", 48], ["Histogram nonsense", 75], ["Tom's area plots", 80], ["JSON dates & metadata", 84], ["Beat's date problem", 85]] } ]; angular.module('myApp', ['radian']). config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) { for (var eg = 1; eg <= negs; ++eg) { var n = (eg < 10 ? '0' : '') + eg; $routeProvider.when('/' + n, { templateUrl: 'eg/' + n + '.html', controller: EgCtrl }); } $routeProvider.otherwise({ redirectTo: '/01' }); }]). controller('BaseController', ['$rootScope', function($rootScope) { $rootScope.egs = []; for (var grp = 0; grp < eggrps.length; ++grp) { var grpitems = []; for (var i = 0; i < eggrps[grp].items.length; ++i) { var egtitle = eggrps[grp].items[i][0]; var eg = eggrps[grp].items[i][1]; var n = (eg < 10 ? '0' : '') + eg; grpitems.push({ title: egtitle, link: "#/" + n }); } $rootScope.egs.push({ title: eggrps[grp].title, items: grpitems, id: "grp" + grp, idhash: "#grp" + grp }); } $rootScope.pals = { bgr: '0 blue; 0.5 grey; 1 red', gyo: '0 green; 0.5 yellow; 1 orange' }; }]);