This was a first attempt to make small multiples move. Initially I could not find the code to make small multiples transition. I wanted specific shapes, not those already available. Eventually I came across Arunkjn's bl.ock. It was presented as multiple polygons, but easy to modify. The code allowed me to make them move with the click of a button. This bl.ock is the first attempt to make them move.
The final result can be seen at Fisheries Visualization Fleet It shows the fishing fleet of the European Union for a research on fisheries visualization. The polygons were used todepict boats.
This research was funded by the project SAF21 - Social science aspects of fisheries for the 21st Century. SAF21 is a project financed under the EU Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSC) – ITN - ETN programme (project 642080). For more information check Databayou
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