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Force Layout with auto zoom (canvas)

Document Template for

Github template for

Node and gulp are required. To run, use command: gulp

Access through browser at http://localhost:5000.

Describe your document in manifest.json. Format is as follows:

  "data": ["document.json"],
  "javascript": ["document.js"],
  "stylesheet": ["document.css"],
  "html": ["document.html"],
  "properties": [
    {"label":"Data Column 0 (X Axis)","name":"data0","type":"data_column","value":null},
    {"label":"Data Column 1 (Y Axis)","name":"data1","type":"data_column","value":null},
    {"label":"Label 0","name":"label0","type":"string","value":"label 0"},
    {"label":"Label 1","name":"label1","type":"string","value":"label 1"},
    {"label":"Color 0","name":"color0","type":"color","value":"#0f608b"},
    {"label":"Color 1","name":"color1","type":"color","value":"#99ccff"},

data: list of data files for your document
javascript: list of javascript files for your document
stylesheet: list of stylesheet files for your document
html: list of html files for your document
properties: external properties for user interface
properties.label: property label property name
properties.type: property type (string/number/boolean/color/data_column)
properties.value: default property value

Use sourceURL to enable debugging in Chrome:

//# sourceURL=document.js

Copyright Vida Lab Inc. 2014

License: BSD