function bot() { this.url = '' this.weatherData; this.url2 = '' this.weatherData2; this.temperatures3 = []; var LegitTemp; this.temperatures = []; this.temperatures2 = []; this.conditions = []; var currentTemp; var RealTemp; var currentTemp2; var RealTemp2; var po; var op; var condit; var Hitemp; var Lotemp; var avTemp; var currentCondit; var daycount = 0; var findShelter = false; var x; var y; var easing = 0.05; var night; var forecast; var d = new Date(); var n = d.getHours(); if(n>=18){ //6pm onwards daycount=1; } var hp=100; var charX2; var charY2; var charX; var charY; var zombX; var zombY; var foodX; var foodY; var findFood = false; var shelterX; var shelterY; var chaserdiffX; var chaserdiffY; var zombiediffX; var zombiediffY; var shelterdiffX; var shelterdiffY; var fooddiffX; var fooddiffY; var inspire = ["you live on to fight another day","Nothing can touch you"]; var death=random(inspire); var isHidden=false; var isDead=false; var isDetect=false; var isWarm=false; var hidden = [""]; var ninja=random(hidden); //status var incognito = ["they can't see me here","I think it's safe here","the path ahead looks safe"]; var inshelter = ["Its nice in here","I might have to stay a while","I better rest up here for a bit","I dont think they will find me here","you run into a small hutt and hide yourself with leaves","for the first time in a while, you feel safe."]; var eating = ["the food protects you temporarily","time to rest up","you feel your energy replenishing","you feel strong"]; var insight = ["they are getting closer","you come face to face with the beast","I can hear heavy breathing nearby","you're being hunted","a silent croaking sound stops you in your tracks.","You spot a pair of eyes gazing at you through the corn..","I can hear something tracking my scent"]; var attack = ["it swipes at you with long claws","it leaps out and bites you with sharp fangs","you feel a quick swipe at your legs!"]; //chaser collision var risk =random(incognito); var collision = false; //filters to decide story plot var spinarray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]; var spin = random(spinarray); var spin2 = random(spinarray); var spin3 = random(spinarray); //early-morning shades var day1 = color(0,111,73); var day2 = color(18,84,56); var day3 = color(32, 47, 30); //morning shades var day4 = color(86, 111, 0); var day5 = color(64, 74, 20); var day6 = color(28, 48, 25); //afternoon shades var day7 = color(0, 128, 0); var day8 = color(0, 100, 0); var day9 = color(20, 70, 0); //night shades var day10 = color(0, 53, 52); var day11 = color(19, 72, 69); var day12 = color(0, 40, 46); this.preload = function() { this.weatherData = loadJSON(this.url); this.weatherData2 = loadJSON(this.url2); console.log(); } this.setup = function() { //GET WEATHER RESULTS var results = this.weatherData["query"]["results"]["channel"]; //todays WEATHER CONDITIONS : COND : HIGH : LOW for(var i=0;i5&&n<=11){ background(day6); var mazewall1 = day4; var mazewall2 = day5; night="morning"; } if(n>11&&n<=17){ background(day9); var mazewall1 = day7; var mazewall2 = day8; night="afternoon"; } if(n>17){ background(day12); var mazewall1 = day10; var mazewall2 = day11; night="night"; } // push(); //move start ponts of the maze rows up and off the screen translate(0,-10); //options limit complexity of the maze var options = [1, 2,3]; //scale should be set to 2 or less when travelling and 3 when investigating something //travelling or investigating boolean for( y=0; y < height; y+=20){ for( x=0; x < width; x+=20){ var tile_selection = random(options); if(tile_selection == 1){ stroke(mazewall1); for(h=0; h<=10; h++){ for(h2=0; h2<=2; h2++){ strokeWeight(1); line(x+h2,y+h,x+20+h2,y+20+h); } } stroke(40); strokeWeight(0.5); line(x,y,x+20,y+20); } else { stroke(mazewall2); for(j=0; j<=10; j++){ for(j2=0; j2<=2; j2++){ strokeWeight(1); line(x+20+j2,y+j,x+j2,y+20+j); } } strokeWeight(0.5); stroke(40); line(x+20,y,x,y+20); } } } pop(); } this.character= function(){ //character colour could change on respawn? stroke(0, 103, 187); //legs strokeWeight(2); line(-3, 3, -3, 13); line(3, 3, 3, 13); strokeWeight(2); //neck stroke(255, 212, 185); line(0, -11, 0, 0); //head noStroke(); fill(255, 212, 185); rect(-4, -19, 8, 10); //body noStroke(); fill(0, 103, 187); ellipse(0, 4, 14, 14); //clothes fill(80); //eyes fill(255); strokeWeight(1); ellipse(-3, -12, 4, 2.5); ellipse(3, -12, 4, 2.5); fill(25); ellipse(-3, -12, 2, 2); ellipse(3, -12, 2, 2); stroke(0, 103, 187); } //MONSTER CHARACTER / CHASER function(){ stroke(40); //legs strokeWeight(2); line(-3,3,-3,13); line(3,3,3,13); strokeWeight(1); //body fill(94,99,79); ellipse(0,0-2,12,14); //head stroke(40); fill(94,99,79); ellipse(0,0-12,9,10); //clothes fill(80); //eyes fill(255); ellipse(-3,-12,4,2.5); ellipse(3,-12,4,2.5); fill(25); ellipse(-2,-12,2,2); ellipse(2,-12,2,2); stroke(80); //arms strokeWeight(2); line(-5,-5,-10,-3); line(5,-5,10,-3); } //END MONSTER //FOOD RESOURCE function(){ fill(200, 0, 0); stroke(200, 0, 0); ellipse(-1, 1, 10, 10); ellipse(11, 1, 10, 10); ellipse(5, 5, 10, 10); strokeWeight(5); line(-3, 3, 5, 13); line(13, 3, 5, 13); } //SHELTER this.shelter= function(){ fill(56,54,33); stroke(94,99,79); strokeWeight(3); for(o=0;o<=20;o++){ rect(0-o,0-o,40,40); } fill(40); stroke(80); noStroke(); beginShape(); //bot l vertex(10, 40); //bot r vertex(30, 40); //top r vertex(15, 25); //top l vertex(-5, 25); endShape(); //line details stroke(20); //inside door line line(10, 38,10, 27); strokeWeight(1); line(-2, 40,-22, 20); line(40, 40,22, 20); //floor line line(41, 0,41, 40); // line(40, -2,22, -20); //roof line line(-22, -20,-22, 20); line(-22, -21,20, -21); //smaller line(-18, -18,-18, 18); line(-18, -18,18, -18); line(0, 41,40, 41); fill(255); } this.respond = function() { var travel = [1,2,3,4,5,6]; var travelspin = random(travel); //calculates scale of the maze and character for zoom ins if (travelspin <4) { //travelling true var zoom = 1.3; }else{ //travelling false var zoom = 2.3; } //storymode //storymode helps decide when shelter/food/monster gets drawn if(spin>="4"&&spin<="8"){ var storymode = 2; } if(spin<="3"){ var storymode = 1; } if(spin>="9"){ var storymode = 0; } // push(); scale(zoom); this.maze(); pop(); push(); //could decrease these width and height ranges to simulate fatigue or injuries //lower ranges limit the area the character can travel each turn charX2 = 10+random(width-20); charY2 = 10+random(height-40); translate(charX2,charY2); scale(zoom/2); this.character(); pop(); //ZOMBIE SPAWN //logic for deciding when to draw zombies if(storymode==2||storymode==1){ push(); //zombie ranges should be decreased with character ranges to increase the zombies likliness of attacking charX = 10+random(width-20); charY = 10+random(height-40); if(chaserdiffX<50&&chaserdiffY<50){ translate(charX2,charY2); if (findShelter==false&&findFood==false) { hp=0; collision = true; risk =random(attack); }else{ hp=100; collision = false; } } else{ translate(charX,charY); } scale(zoom/2);; pop(); }else{ charX = 300; charY = 300; } //ZOMBIE 2 //logic for deciding when to draw zombies if(spin<=5){ push(); zombX = 10+random(width-20); zombY = 10+random(height-40); if(zombiediffX<50&&zombiediffY<50){ translate(charX2,charY2); if (findShelter==false&&findFood==false) { hp=0; collision = true; risk =random(attack); }else{ hp=100; collision = false; risk =random(eating); } }else{ translate(zombX,zombY); } scale(zoom/2);; pop(); }else{ zombX = 300; zombY = 300; } //FOOD SPAWN if(spin>1){ push(); //these ranges control the likliness of consuming food / potion foodX = 10+random(width-20); foodY = 10+random(height-40); if(fooddiffX<50&&fooddiffY<50){ translate(charX2,charY2); findFood=true; risk =random(eating); }else{ translate(foodX,foodY); } scale(zoom/3);; pop(); } //logic for deciding when to draw shelter //draw shelter if(spin>4){ push(); //these ranges control the likliness of finding shelter shelterX = 10+random(width-20); shelterY = 10+random(height-40); if(shelterdiffX<50&&shelterdiffY<50){ translate(charX2,charY2); findShelter=true; risk =random(inshelter); }else{ findShelter=false; translate(shelterX,shelterY); } scale(zoom/2); var deg = 45; var rad = radians(deg); rotate(rad); this.shelter(); pop(); } var genderRand1 = ["male", "female", "unknown"]; var activegen1 = random(genderRand1); //decicive conditionals for the story //gender if(activegen1=="male"){ //var activegen = "he"; }else if(activegen1=="female"){ //var activegen = "she"; }else if(activegen1=="unknown"){ //var activegen = "it"; } var who = ["it","he","I"] var activegen = random(who); textSize(14); push(); //position health bar translate(-10,0); //HEALTH BAR noStroke(); fill(255); text(hp,45,height-27); //text(t,100,height-20); text(condit,width-100,height-10); stroke(255); fill(255); for(j=0;j<=hp;j++){ ellipse(40+j,height-17,8,8); fill(200,0,0); ellipse(40+j,height-17,5,5); } //hearticon fill(0,0,0); noStroke(); fill(255); ellipse(30,height-18,30,30); fill(200,0,0); stroke(200,0,0); ellipse(24,height-20,10,10); ellipse(36,height-20,10,10); ellipse(30,height-15,10,10); strokeWeight(5); line(38,height-19,30,height-10); line(21,height-19,30,height-10); pop(); noStroke(); // set have_drawn to true since we have completed this.have_drawn = true; // construct the message var grammar = tracery.createGrammar(this.grammar); po = ["as soon as","when","at that moment","when suddenly"]; op = random(po); altverb = ["touched","saw","spotted","felt","sensed"]; verbed = random(altverb); var seed2 = op+" "+activegen+" "+verbed+ " the #animal# "; if(night=="early-morning"){ var seed4 = "#observation#"; } else if(night=="morning"){ var seed4 = "#observation2#"; } else if(night=="afternoon"){ var seed4 = "#observation3#"; } else if(night=="night"){ var seed4 = "#observation4#"; } // if(currentTemp>18){ var weatherseed = "#weatherWarm"; } else { var weatherseed = "#weatherCold"; } var seed5 = "#chance#"; var seed = activegen + " #verb# #adjective# #direction# to the #location#"; var end = "#ending#"; var seed3 = activegen + " knew "+activegen+" had #risk#" ; var message = grammar.flatten(seed); var opener = grammar.flatten(seed2); var weatherObserve = grammar.flatten(weatherseed); var observe = grammar.flatten(seed4); var hope = grammar.flatten(seed5); var body = grammar.flatten(seed3); var conclusion = grammar.flatten(end); //process to calculate the distance between the player and the spawning objects //food distance if (charX2 > foodX){ fooddiffX= charX2-foodX; } else{ fooddiffX= foodX-charX2; } //shelter y distance if (charY2 > foodY){ fooddiffY= charY2-foodY; } else{ fooddiffY= foodY-charY2; } //shelter distance if (charX2 > shelterX){ shelterdiffX= charX2-shelterX; } else{ shelterdiffX= shelterX-charX2; } //shelter y distance if (charY2 > shelterY){ shelterdiffY= charY2-shelterY; } else{ shelterdiffY= shelterY-charY2; } //CHASER DISTANCE TRACKER //monster x distance if (charX2 > charX){ chaserdiffX= charX2-charX; } else{ chaserdiffX= charX-charX2; } //monster y distance if (charY2 > charY){ chaserdiffY= charY2-charY; } else{ chaserdiffY= charY-charY2; } // //possible states of the zombie & chaser: incognito, insight or attack based on the distance between him and our character //ZOMBIE & CHASER DETECTION PARAMETERS //very-close Y and semi-close X if(zombiediffX<90&&zombiediffX>0 || chaserdiffX<90&&chaserdiffX>0 ){ if(zombiediffY<90&&zombiediffY>0 || chaserdiffY<90&&chaserdiffY>0 ){ risk =random(insight); isDetect=true; /* var detectseed = "#detectstring#"; detect = grammar.flatten(detectseed); isDetect=true; */ } }else{ risk =random(incognito); isHidden=true; /* var hideseed = "#hidestring#"; ninja = grammar.flatten(hideseed); isHidden=true; */ } if(zombiediffX<50&&zombiediffY<50 || chaserdiffX<50&&chaserdiffY<50){ risk =random(attack); isDead=true; } //ZOMBIE DISTANCE TRACKER //zombie x distance if (charX2 > zombX){ zombiediffX= charX2-zombX; } else{ zombiediffX= zombX-charX2; } //zombie y distance if (charY2 > zombY){ zombiediffY= charY2-zombY; } else{ zombiediffY= zombY-charY2; } //stats //return " Temprature:"+"
Days survived: "+ daycount+"
hours survived: "+n+"
Nighttime?: "+night+"
shelter x dist: "+shelterdiffX+"
shelter y dist: "+shelterdiffY+"
chaser x dist: "+chaserdiffX+"
chaser y dist: "+chaserdiffY+"
zombie x dist: "+zombiediffX+"
zombie y dist: "+zombiediffY+"
food x dist: "+fooddiffX+"
food y dist: "+fooddiffY+"
zombie attack: "+collision+"
shelter: "+findShelter+"
food pickup: "+findFood+"
storymode: "+storymode; //AV TEMP is a hack to work out todays temprature non directly. //It takes todays Low and High values and finds the average. //works out average temp from high and low avTemp = (Hitemp+Lotemp)/(2); //convert avTemp to celcius RealTemp = (avTemp-32)*(5/9); //cap float at 2dp ActualTemp = RealTemp.toFixed(2); currentTemp = ActualTemp; //conditionals to determine the players current risk (danger) level if(findFood==true&&isDead==true){ isDead=false; isDetect=false; } //IF CONSUMING FOOD WHILE BEING ATTACKED OVERRIDE DEATH if(findFood==true&&isDetect==true||findFood==true&&isHidden==true){ isDead=false; risk=random(eating); } if(findShelter==true&&isDead==true){ isDead=false; isDetect=false; } //IF IN SHELTER WHILE BEING ATTACKED OVERRIDE DEATH AND GO INCOGNITO if(findShelter==true&&isDetect==true||findShelter==true&&isHidden==true){ isDead=false; risk=random(inshelter); isDetect=false; } // hidden within shelter if(isHidden==true&&findShelter==true){ risk=random(incognito); isDetect=false; } if(findFood==true){ risk =random(eating); } if(findShelter==true){ risk =random(inshelter); } //console status //return " Detection: "+risk+"
temprature: "+ActualTemp+"
Weather Condition: "+ condit+"
hours survived: "+n+"
Nighttime?: "+night+"
shelter x dist: "+shelterdiffX+"
shelter y dist: "+shelterdiffY+"
chaser x dist: "+chaserdiffX+"
chaser y dist: "+chaserdiffY+"

zombie x dist: "+zombiediffX+"
zombie y dist: "+zombiediffY+"
food x dist: "+fooddiffX+"
food y dist: "+fooddiffY+"
zombie attack: "+collision+"
shelter: "+findShelter+"
food pickup: "+findFood+"
storymode: "+storymode; //if not dead print paragraph if(isDead==false&&findShelter==false&&findFood==false){ //paragraph return " "+risk+"
"+observe+" and "+weatherObserve+"
"+opener + "" +message+ "
" +body+ "
"+conclusion; } //if not dead print paragraph if(findShelter==true){ //paragraph return random(inshelter); } //if not dead print paragraph if(findFood==true){ //paragraph return random(eating); } var deadhero = ["you get eaten alive","it wasn't meant to be","there was no time to react"]; if(isDead==true){ return random(attack)+" "+random(deadhero); } //returns statuses of all constraints //return("death= "+isDead+"
hidden= "+isHidden+"
detect= "+isDetect+"
shelter= "+findShelter+"
food= "+findFood+"
warm= "+isWarm+"

"+risk+""); } }