var myCRS = L.extend({}, L.CRS.Simple, { transformation: new L.Transformation(1, 0, // -1, // works like expected 1, // image travels while zooming 0) }); var worldMap = new L.Map('map', { continuousWorld:true, minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 45, crs: myCRS, attributionControl: false, center: [512, 512], zoom: 0}); worldMap._p5_seed = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000); worldMap._p5_depth = 0.0; // console.log("Seed start", worldMap._p5_seed) // Assuming your map instance is in a variable called map var hash = new L.Hash(worldMap); // console.log("Seed now", worldMap._p5_seed) var s = function( p ) { p.setup = function() { canvas = p.createCanvas(p._L_width, p._L_height); p.noLoop(); }; p.draw = function() { if ("_L_size" in p && "_L_nw" in p) { var nw = p._L_nw; var t_size = p._L_size; var zoom = p._L_zoom; var m_x1 = nw.lng; var m_y1 =; var m_x2 = m_x1 + t_size; var m_y2 = m_y1 + t_size; var depth = p._L_depth; p.noiseSeed(p._L_seed) drawGrid(p, m_x1, m_x2, m_y1, m_y2, depth, zoom); } }; }; var tiles = new L.GridLayer({continuousWorld: true}); tiles.createTile = function(coords) { if (!("_hash_parsed" in worldMap)) { return L.DomUtil.create('canvas', 'leaflet-tile'); } var size = this.getTileSize(); var myp5 = new p5(s); myp5._L_width = size.x; myp5._L_height = size.y; myp5._L_zoom = coords.z; myp5._L_seed = worldMap._p5_seed; myp5._L_depth = worldMap._p5_depth; myp5._L_coords = coords; // calculate projection coordinates of top left tile pixel myp5._L_nwPoint = coords.scaleBy(size); myp5._L_size = 256.0 / Math.pow(2, coords.z) // calculate geographic coordinates of top left tile pixel myp5._L_nw = worldMap.unproject(myp5._L_nwPoint, coords.z) myp5._start(); var tile = myp5.canvas; L.DomUtil.addClass(tile, 'leaflet-tile'); return tile; } tiles.addTo(worldMap) var curLinkIndex = 0; linkPath = [ "#0/0/512/512/0", // home "#0/1/512/512/0", // home "#0/2/512/512/1", // home ] function clickHome() { curLinkIndex = 0 location.hash = linkPath[0] hash.update() } function clickDemo() { curLinkIndex = (curLinkIndex + 1) % linkPath.length location.hash = linkPath[curLinkIndex] hash.update() } function clickReset() { window.location.reload(); } attrib = new L.Control.Attribution attrib.setPrefix("") attrStr = 'home | ' // attrStr += 'tour | ' attrStr += 'reset' attrib.addAttribution(attrStr) worldMap.addControl(attrib)