var square = 20, w = 900, h = 300; // create the svg var svg ='#grid').append('svg') .attr({ width: w, height: h }); // calculate number of rows and columns var squaresRow = _.round(w / square); var squaresColumn = _.round(h / square); // loop over number of columns _.times(squaresColumn, function(n) { // create each set of rows var rows = svg.selectAll('rect' + ' .row-' + (n + 1)) .data(d3.range(squaresRow)) .enter().append('rect') .attr({ class: function(d, i) { return 'square row-' + (n + 1) + ' ' + 'col-' + (i + 1); }, id: function(d, i) { return 's-' + (n + 1) + (i + 1); }, width: square, height: square, x: function(d, i) { return i * square; }, y: n * square, fill: '#fff', stroke: '#FDBB30' }); // test with some feedback var test = rows.on('mouseover', function (d, i) {'#grid-ref').text(function () { return 'row: ' + (n + 1) + ' | ' + 'column: ' + (i + 1); }); d3.selectAll('.square').attr('fill', 'white');'fill', '#7AC143'); }); });