/* globals window */ /** * A collection of components that make it easy to build interactive financial charts with D3 * * @namespace fc */ window.fc = { version: '0.0.0', /** * Studies, trend-lines and other financial indicators that can be added to a chart * * @namespace fc.indicators */ indicators: {}, math: {}, /** * Useful complex scales which add to the D3 scales in terms of render quality. * Also, complex financial scales that can be added to a chart * * @namespace fc.scale */ scale: { discontinuity: {} }, series: {}, /** * Interaction components include events and user options to change views * Features such as Zoom, Panning * @namespace fc.interaction */ interaction: {}, tools: {}, /** * Utility components to shorted long winded implementations of common operations. * Also includes components for mock data generation and layout. * * @namespace fc.utilities */ utilities: {} }; (function(d3, fc) { 'use strict'; /** * The chart builder makes it easier to constructs charts from a number of 'fc' or D3 components. It * adapts a chartLayout (which is responsible for creating a suitable SVG structure for a chart), and allows * you to associate components (axes, series, etc ...) with the chart. The chart builder * is responsible for associating data with the components, setting the ranges of the scales and updating * the components when the chart needs to be re-drawn. * * @type {object} * @memberof fc.utilities * @class fc.utilities.chartBuilder */ fc.utilities.chartBuilder = function(chartLayout) { // the components that have been added to the chart. var plotAreaComponents = []; var axes = {}; // the selection that this chart is associated with var callingSelection; var chartBuilder = function(selection) { callingSelection = selection; selection.call(chartLayout); }; /** * Adds a number of components to the chart plot area. The chart layout is responsible for * rendering these components via the render function. * * @memberof fc.utilities.chartBuilder# * @method addToPlotArea * @param {array} components an array of components to add to the plot area */ chartBuilder.addToPlotArea = function(components) { plotAreaComponents = plotAreaComponents.concat(components); }; /** * Provides the data that will be joined with the plot area selection, and as a result * is the data used by components that are associated with the plot area. * * @memberof fc.utilities.chartBuilder# * @method setData * @param {array} data the data to associate with the plot area */ chartBuilder.setData = function(data) { chartLayout.getPlotArea().datum(data); }; /** * Sets the chart axis with the given orientation. The chart builder is responsible for setting * the range of this axis and rendering it via the render function. * * @memberof fc.utilities.chartBuilder# * @method setAxis * @param {string} orientation The orientation of the axis container * @param {object} axis a D3 or 'fc' axis component */ chartBuilder.setAxis = function(orientation, axis) { axes[orientation] = axis; }; /** * Renders all of the components associated with this chart. During the render process * the axes have their scales set to an appropriate value. * * @memberof fc.utilities.chartBuilder# * @method render */ chartBuilder.render = function() { callingSelection.call(chartLayout); // call each of the axis components with the axis selection for (var axisOrientation in axes) { if (axes.hasOwnProperty(axisOrientation)) { var axisContainer = chartLayout.getAxisContainer(axisOrientation); var axis = axes[axisOrientation]; if (axisOrientation === 'top' || axisOrientation === 'bottom') { axis.scale().range([0, chartLayout.getPlotAreaWidth()]); } else { axis.scale().range([chartLayout.getPlotAreaHeight(), 0]); } axisContainer.call(axis); } } // call each of the plot area components plotAreaComponents.forEach(function(component) { chartLayout.getPlotArea().call(component); }); }; return chartBuilder; }; }(d3, fc)); (function(d3, fc) { 'use strict'; /** * Based on the [Margin Convention]{@link http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/3019563}, * the Chart Layout component is responsible for defining the chart area. * * It attempts to simplify the repetitive process of constructing the chart's layout and its associated elements: * * * If the width or height of the component have not been explicitly set using chartLayout.height() * or chartLayout.width(), then the width and height of the chartLayout will try to expand to the * dimensions of the selected element. If this results in an invalid value, i.e. less than 1, * a default value will be used. * *
* * Given a div: *
    * <div id="myChart" style="width:650px; height:300px;"></div>
* * Chart Layout will tranform the selection to create the following elements: *
    * <div id="myChart" style="width:650px; height:300px;">
    *     <svg width="650" height="300">
    *         <g class="chartArea" transform="translate(40,20)">
    *             <defs>
    *                 <clipPath id="fcPlotAreaClip_myChart">
    *                     <rect width="570" height="260"></rect>
    *                 </clipPath>
    *             </defs>
    *             <rect class="background" width="570" height="260"></rect>
    *             <g clip-path="url(#fcPlotAreaClip_myChart)" class="plotArea"></g>
    *             <g class="axis bottom" transform="translate(0,260)"></g>
    *             <g class="axis top" transform="translate(0, 0)"></g>
    *             <g class="axis right" transform="translate(570, 0)"></g>
    *         </g>
    *     </svg>
    * </div>
* * @type {object} * @memberof fc.utilities * @class fc.utilities.chartLayout */ fc.utilities.chartLayout = function() { // Default values var margin = {top: 20, right: 40, bottom: 20, left: 40}, width = 0, height = 0; var defaultWidth = true, defaultHeight = true; // The elements created for the chart var chartElements = {}; var plotAreaClipId; /** * Constructs a new instance of the chartLayout component. * * Applies the chartLayout to a [D3 selection]{@link https://github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki/Selections} * (commonly a div). * The chartLayout component can only be applied to the first element in a selection, * all other elements will be ignored. * * @example * // Setup the chart layout * var layout = fc.utilities.chartLayout(); * * // Setup the chart * var setupArea = d3.select('#chart') * .call(layout); * * @memberof fc.utilities.chartLayout# * @method chartLayout * @param {selection} selection a D3 selection */ var chartLayout = function(selection) { // Select the first element in the selection // If the selection contains more than 1 element, // only the first will be used, the others will be ignored var element = selection.node(), style = getComputedStyle(element); // Attempt to automatically size the chart to the selected element if (defaultWidth === true) { // Set the width of the chart to the width of the selected element, // excluding any margins, padding or borders var paddingWidth = parseInt(style.paddingLeft, 10) + parseInt(style.paddingRight, 10); width = element.clientWidth - paddingWidth; // If the new width is too small, use a default width if (chartLayout.getPlotAreaWidth() < 1) { width = 600 + margin.left + margin.right; } } if (defaultHeight === true) { // Set the height of the chart to the height of the selected element, // excluding any margins, padding or borders var paddingHeight = parseInt(style.paddingTop, 10) + parseInt(style.paddingBottom, 10); height = element.clientHeight - paddingHeight; // If the new height is too small, use a default height if (chartLayout.getPlotAreaHeight() < 1) { height = 400 + margin.top + margin.bottom; } } // Setup the elements - following the general update pattern (http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/3808218) // // When creating the elements for the chart, only one of each element is required. To achieve this we bind // a single datum to each selection - this is represented in the dummyData variable. This data-join is only // used for creating and updating the elements - through data(), enter() and exit(); the value of the data // is irrelevant (but there must only be one value). This approach is similar to that used in D3's axis // and brush components. // // For each element, we: // 1. Select the element(s) and bind a single datum to that selection // 2. If no element currently exists, append it (this is in the enter() subselection) // 3. Update the element as required // 4. If there are too many of the selected element(>1), then remove it (this is in the exit() subselection) var container = d3.select(element), dummyData = [0]; // Create svg var svg = container.selectAll('svg').data(dummyData); svg.enter().append('svg'); svg.attr('width', width) .attr('height', height) .style('display', 'block'); svg.exit().remove(); // Create group for the chart function roundToNearestHalfInteger(n) { var m = Math.round(n); return n > m ? m + 0.5 : m - 0.5; } var chart = svg.selectAll('g.chartArea').data(dummyData); chart.enter().append('g') .classed('chartArea', true); chart.attr('transform', 'translate(' + roundToNearestHalfInteger(margin.left) + ',' + roundToNearestHalfInteger(margin.top) + ')'); chart.exit().remove(); // Create defs - for clipping path var defs = chart.selectAll('defs').data(dummyData); defs.enter().append('defs'); defs.exit().remove(); // Get an ID for the clipping path // If the element already has an ID, use that; otherwise, generate one (to avoid duplicate IDs) plotAreaClipId = plotAreaClipId || 'fcPlotAreaClip_' + (element.id || nextId()); // Clipping path var clippingPath = defs.selectAll('#' + plotAreaClipId).data(dummyData); clippingPath.enter().append('clipPath') .attr('id', plotAreaClipId); clippingPath.exit().remove(); // Clipping path rect var clippingPathRect = clippingPath.selectAll('rect').data(dummyData); clippingPathRect.enter().append('rect'); clippingPathRect .attr('width', chartLayout.getPlotAreaWidth()) .attr('height', chartLayout.getPlotAreaHeight()); clippingPathRect.exit().remove(); // Create a background element var plotAreaBackground = chart.selectAll('rect.background').data(dummyData); plotAreaBackground.enter().append('rect') .classed('background', true); plotAreaBackground .attr('width', chartLayout.getPlotAreaWidth()) .attr('height', chartLayout.getPlotAreaHeight()); plotAreaBackground.exit().remove(); // Create plot area, using the clipping path // NOTE: We do not use a data-join to 'dummy data' here, because it is expected that the // user (or chartBuilder) will want to data-join the plotArea with their own data in order // that it is inherited by the series within the chart var plotArea = chart.selectAll('g.plotArea'); if (plotArea.empty()) { plotArea = chart.append('g') .attr('clip-path', 'url(#' + plotAreaClipId + ')') .attr('class', 'plotArea'); } // Add selections to the chart elements object for the getters chartElements = { svg: svg, chartArea: chart, defs: defs, plotAreaBackground: plotAreaBackground, plotArea: plotArea }; // Create containers for the axes if (!chartElements.axisContainer) { chartElements.axisContainer = {}; } function createAxis(orientation, translation) { var selection = chart.selectAll('g.axis.' + orientation).data(dummyData); selection.enter().append('g') .attr('class', 'axis ' + orientation); selection.attr('transform', translation); selection.exit().remove(); if (!chartElements.axisContainer[orientation]) { chartElements.axisContainer[orientation] = {}; } chartElements.axisContainer[orientation].selection = selection; } createAxis('bottom', 'translate(0, ' + chartLayout.getPlotAreaHeight() + ')'); createAxis('top', 'translate(0, 0)'); createAxis('left', 'translate(0, 0)'); createAxis('right', 'translate(' + chartLayout.getPlotAreaWidth() + ', 0)'); }; /** * Get/set the size of the top margin between the chart area * and the edge of its parent SVG. * * Increasing the size of a margin affords more space for an axis in the corresponding position. * * @memberof fc.utilities.chartLayout# * @method marginTop * @param {number} [value] The size of the top margin * @returns {number|chartLayout} If value is specified, sets the top margin and returns the chartLayout; * if value is not specified, returns the top margin. */ chartLayout.marginTop = function(value) { if (!arguments.length) { return margin.top; } margin.top = value; return chartLayout; }; /** * Get/set the size of the right margin between the chart area * and the edge of its parent SVG. * * Increasing the size of a margin affords more space for an axis in the corresponding position. * * @memberof fc.utilities.chartLayout# * @method marginRight * @param {number} [value] The size of the right margin * @returns {number|chartLayout} If value is specified, sets the right margin and returns the chartLayout; * if value is not specified, returns the right margin. */ chartLayout.marginRight = function(value) { if (!arguments.length) { return margin.right; } margin.right = value; return chartLayout; }; /** * Get/set the size of the bottom margin between the chart area * and the edge of its parent SVG. * * Increasing the size of a margin affords more space for an axis in the corresponding position. * * @memberof fc.utilities.chartLayout# * @method marginBottom * @param {number} [value] The size of the bottom margin * @returns {number|chartLayout} If value is specified, sets the bottom margin and returns the chartLayout; * if value is not specified, returns the bottom margin. */ chartLayout.marginBottom = function(value) { if (!arguments.length) { return margin.bottom; } margin.bottom = value; return chartLayout; }; /** * Get/set the size of the left margin between the chart area * and the edge of its parent SVG. * * Increasing the size of a margin affords more space for an axis in the corresponding position. * * @memberof fc.utilities.chartLayout# * @method marginLeft * @param {number} [value] The size of the left margin * @returns {number|chartLayout} If value is specified, sets the left margin and returns the chartLayout; * if value is not specified, returns the left margin. */ chartLayout.marginLeft = function(value) { if (!arguments.length) { return margin.left; } margin.left = value; return chartLayout; }; /** * Get/set the width of the chart. * * If the width of the chart is not explicitly set before calling chartLayout on a selection, * the component will attempt to size the chart to the dimensions of the selection's first element. * * @memberof fc.utilities.chartLayout# * @method width * @param {number} [value] The width of the chart * @returns {number|chartLayout} If value is specified, sets the width and returns the chartLayout; * if value is not specified, returns the width. */ chartLayout.width = function(value) { if (!arguments.length) { return width; } width = value; defaultWidth = false; return chartLayout; }; /** * Get/set the height of the chart. * * If the height of the chart is not explicitly set before calling chartLayout on a selection, * the component will attempt to size the chart to the dimensions of the selection's first element. * * @memberof fc.utilities.chartLayout# * @method height * @param {number} [value] The height of the chart * @returns {number|chartLayout} If value is specified, sets the height and returns the chartLayout; * if value is not specified, returns the height. */ chartLayout.height = function(value) { if (!arguments.length) { return height; } height = value; defaultHeight = false; return chartLayout; }; /** * Get the width of the plot area. This is the total width of the chart minus the horizontal margins. * * @memberof fc.utilities.chartLayout# * @method getPlotAreaWidth * @returns {number} The width of the plot area. */ chartLayout.getPlotAreaWidth = function() { return width - margin.left - margin.right; }; /** * Get the height of the plot area. This is the total height of the chart minus the vertical margins. * * @memberof fc.utilities.chartLayout# * @method getPlotAreaHeight * @returns {number} The height of the plot area. */ chartLayout.getPlotAreaHeight = function() { return height - margin.top - margin.bottom; }; /** * Get the SVG for the chart. * * @memberof fc.utilities.chartLayout# * @method getSVG * @returns {selection} The SVG for the chart. */ chartLayout.getSVG = function() { return chartElements.svg; }; /** * Get the defs element for the chart. * The defs element can contain elements to be reused in the SVG, after they're defined; * for example - a clipping path. * * @memberof fc.utilities.chartLayout# * @method getDefs * @returns {selection} The defs element for the chart. */ chartLayout.getDefs = function() { return chartElements.defs; }; /** * Get the chart area group for the chart. * Typically axes will be added to the chart area. * * @memberof fc.utilities.chartLayout# * @method getChartArea * @returns {selection} The chart's plot area. */ chartLayout.getChartArea = function() { return chartElements.chartArea; }; /** * Get the plot area's background element. * * @memberof fc.utilities.chartLayout# * @method getPlotAreaBackground * @returns {selection} The background rect of the plot area. */ chartLayout.getPlotAreaBackground = function() { return chartElements.plotAreaBackground; }; /** * Get the plot area group for the chart. * The plot area has a clipping path, so this is typically where series and indicators will be added. * * @memberof fc.utilities.chartLayout# * @method getPlotArea * @returns {selection} The chart's plot area. */ chartLayout.getPlotArea = function() { return chartElements.plotArea; }; /** * Get the group container for an axis. * * @memberof fc.utilities.chartLayout# * @method getAxisContainer * @param {string} orientation The orientation of the axis container; * valid values are 'top', 'bottom', 'left' or 'right' * @returns {selection} The group for the specified axis orientation. */ chartLayout.getAxisContainer = function(orientation) { return chartElements.axisContainer[orientation].selection; }; return chartLayout; }; // Generates an integer ID var nextId = (function() { var id = 0; return function() { return ++id; }; })(); }(d3, fc)); (function(d3, fc) { 'use strict'; /** * The extent function enhances the functionality of the equivalent D3 extent function, allowing * you to pass an array of fields which will be used to derive the extent of the supplied array. For * example, if you have an array of items with properties of 'high' and 'low', you * can use fc.utilities.extent(data, ['high', 'low']) to compute the extent of your data. * * @memberof fc.utilities * @param {array} data an array of data points, or an array of arrays of data points * @param {array} fields the names of object properties that represent field values */ fc.utilities.extent = function(data, fields) { if (fields === null) { return d3.extent(data); } // the function only operates on arrays of arrays, but we can pass non-array types in if (!Array.isArray(data)) { data = [data]; } // we need an array of arrays if we don't have one already if (!Array.isArray(data[0])) { data = [data]; } // the fields parameter must be an array of field names, but we can pass non-array types in if (!Array.isArray(fields)) { fields = [fields]; } // Return the smallest and largest return [ d3.min(data, function(d0) { return d3.min(d0, function(d1) { return d3.min(fields.map(function(f) { return d1[f]; })); }); }), d3.max(data, function(d0) { return d3.max(d0, function(d1) { return d3.max(fields.map(function(f) { return d1[f]; })); }); }) ]; }; }(d3, fc)); (function(d3, fc) { 'use strict'; fc.utilities.fn = { identity: function(d) { return d; }, noop: function(d) { } }; }(d3, fc)); (function(d3, fc) { 'use strict'; // a property that follows the D3 component convention for accessors // see: http://bost.ocks.org/mike/chart/ fc.utilities.property = function(initialValue) { var accessor = function(newValue) { if (!arguments.length) { return accessor.value; } accessor.value = newValue; return this; }; accessor.value = initialValue; return accessor; }; // a property that follows the D3 component convention for accessors // see: http://bost.ocks.org/mike/chart/ fc.utilities.functorProperty = function(initialValue) { var accessor = function(newValue) { if (!arguments.length) { return accessor.value; } accessor.value = d3.functor(newValue); return this; }; accessor.value = d3.functor(initialValue); return accessor; }; }(d3, fc));