I would like to ink on some d3-created visualizations. I really like d3, so I thought I'd create the inking with it too, instead of introducing another library into my project.
However, I could only find one demo of d3-based inking: a block on bl.ocks.org by 'cloudshape'.
It was almost exactly what I wanted, except there was this strange offset between where I placed my mouse, and where the line was drawn. So... I copied the code into Brackets and modified it until this offset was gone. I think it's a small but significant improvement. Now I'm sharing it as a 'block' of my own!
Cloudshapes, thank you so much for creating the original drawing app. You did all this work, and I am grateful. I just changed one line of code!
Modified http://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js to a secure url