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Chocolate bars . . . and axes!


###Research Why, indeed, are Canada and Mexico the chief exporters of chocolate to the United States, when quite different countries come to mind when we think of cocoa, cacao, and chocolate? When I started searching for this information, I readily came across the USDA article "Processed Product Spotlight: Chocolate Candy". Though this document reminded me of the existence of NAFTA, it did not directly claim that NAFTA was the reason for the high volume of Canadian and Mexican chocolate exports to the United States. But I had no clue how to proceed with my research. I would love to know, for example, where all this imported chocolate initially goes and what it's mostly used for.

###Graphic design In the spirit of the newspaper style guides made available this week (Thank you, Alberto!), I made last week's design less blocky and tried not to overstyle anything. To that end, I opted out of superfluous (but tempting) hover-crafting this week.

###Web design I'm learning responsive web design, so I'm trying to keep my use of absolute positioning to a minimum. But I couldn't help but rely on it to complete this exercise. Is there really a way to avoid absolute positioning when you're working with SVG, especially SVG text? It's all pixels, after all!


###Links Appending an <a> element really does work when you're trying to add a link to SVG text.

###Markdown This is my first Markdown document. So far it seems that MacDown is a darned good Markdown editor, though I've only had a few minutes' experience with it so far.