Canada continues to be the major exporter of chocolate to the United States.

Mexico is a distant second; once-mighty Brazil, Netherlands, and other countries are no longer big players.

Import values of chocolate entering US ports from selected countries, 1989–2014
Hover over the greyed-out lines to see what some of the other chocolate-exporting countries are.

This chart represents mostly wholesale chocolate for the food-service and food-manufacturing industries.

Here “chocolate” comprises chocolate bars and slabs weighing more than two kilograms each, cocoa paste, cocoa butter, and cocoa powder. Popular sweets such as Mars Bars, Kit Kats, and Hershey's Kisses are not included in the data.

The power of NAFTA

The USDA says that “North American Free Trade Agreement partners Canada and Mexico are not only the main destinations for US exports but also the main suppliers of chocolate candy to the US market.”

But does that doesn't necessarily mean that Canada's and Mexico's stronger presence is because of NAFTA—does it? (NAFTA was passed in December 1993.)

Values adjusted for inflation.
Source: USDA,