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Tree and Tracks updates

Ensembl gene tree

Scaled branches

Different node sizes

Layouts example

Example of labels

different labels in the same tree

different labels in the same node

branch lengths

Resizable board

displaying a subtree

Tooltips on nodes

Selecting subtrees

Scale bar in tree

Ensembl gene tree

Tooltips on genes

Tooltips on tracks

Searching nodes

Mouseover tooltip

Tooltip IDs

Custom tooltip

Table tooltip example

Async tooltips

TnT tree updates

Variable board height


Genes and transcripts

Sorting nodes

gene colors and legend

Node height

Sequence track

Node constancy between trees

Collapsible nodes

Simple tree

Contextual data updates

Programmatically update the board

Dynamic track creation and reorder

Visualisation reload

Board resize

Example of features

Track Ids

Mirror track

Asynchronous data retrieval

Composite feature

Custom features

TnT Board -- Disallowing panning / zooming

Example of TnT Board

Boxed genome visualisation in TnT Genome

iHam widget example

Pie chart updates in D3.js

PNG export of a TnT Tree

Non overlapping elements

inject custom html in tooltip

TnT as a web component

Example of communication between web components

Limit panning/zooming in d3 v4

y axis in track