function render (div) { // The height of tree labels and tracks var height = 30; // Create vis, tree and board var vis = tnt(); var tree = tnt.tree(); var board = tnt.board(); // helper function var get_highest_val = function (node, prop) { var highest = 0; node.apply(function (n) { if ( === "") { return; } var val = parseInt (; if (val > highest) { highest = val; } }); return highest; }; // Swap tracks var sel = .append("select") .on("change", function () { var cond; if (this.value === 'Forward') { cond = function (node1, node2) { var highest1 = get_highest_val(node1, '_id'); var highest2 = get_highest_val(node2, '_id'); return highest1 - highest2; }; } if (this.value === 'Reverse') { cond = function (node1, node2) { var highest1 = get_highest_val(node1, '_id'); var highest2 = get_highest_val(node2, '_id'); return highest2 - highest1; }; } tree.root().sort(cond); vis.update(); }); sel .append("option") .attr("selected", 1) .text("Forward"); sel .append("option") .text("Reverse"); // TREE SIDE // Configure the tree var newick = "(((((homo_sapiens:9,pan_troglodytes:9)207598:34,callithrix_jacchus:43)314293:52,mus_musculus:95)314146:215,taeniopygia_guttata:310)32524:107,danio_rerio:417)117571:135;"; tree .data (tnt.tree.parse_newick (newick)) .layout (tnt.tree.layout.vertical() .width(430) .scale(false) ) .label (tnt.tree.label.text() .text(function (node) { return; }) .fontsize(12) .height(height) ); // collapse nodes on click tree.on("click", function(node){ node.toggle(); vis.update(); }); // BOARD SIDE board .from(0) .to(4000) .width(300) .zoom_out(4000) .max(4000); var display_select = .append("select") .on("change", function () { switch (this.value) { case 'blocks' : vis.track(track_blocks); break; case 'line' : vis.track(track_lines); break; } }); display_select .append("option") .attr("value", "line") .text("lines") .attr("selected", 1); display_select .append("option") .attr("value", "blocks") .text("blocks"); var track_lines = function (leaf_node) { var leaf =; var sp =; return tnt.board.track() .color("#EBF5FF") .data ( .retriever (function () { return data[sp] ? data[sp].line : []; }) ) .display(tnt.board.track.feature.area() .color("steelblue") .index(function (d) { return d.pos; }) ); }; var track_blocks = function (leaf_node) { var leaf =; var sp =; return tnt.board.track() .color("#EBF5FF") .data ( .retriever (function () { return data[sp] ? data[sp].blocks : []; }) ) .display (tnt.board.track.feature.ensembl() .color ('steelblue') .index (function (d) { return d.start; }) ); }; var axis_top = tnt.board.track() .height(0) .color("white") .display(tnt.board.track.feature.axis() .orientation("top") ); var axis_bottom = tnt.board.track() .height(18) .color("white") .display(tnt.board.track.feature.axis() .orientation("bottom") ); vis .tree(tree) .board(board) .top(axis_top) .bottom(axis_bottom) .track(track_lines); vis(div); }