var labels = function (div) { var newick = "(((((homo_sapiens:9,pan_troglodytes:9)207598:34,callithrix_jacchus:43)314293:52,mus_musculus:95)314146:215,taeniopygia_guttata:310)32524:107,danio_rerio:417)117571:135;"; var pics_path = "./"; var scientific_to_common = { "homo_sapiens" : "human", "pan_troglodytes" : "chimpanzee", "callithrix_jacchus" : "marmoset", "mus_musculus" : "mouse", "taeniopygia_guttata" : "zebra finch", "danio_rerio" : "zebrafish" }; var names_to_pics = { "homo_sapiens" : pics_path + "homo_sapiens.png", "pan_troglodytes" : pics_path + "pan_troglodytes.png", "callithrix_jacchus" : pics_path + "callithrix_jacchus.png", "mus_musculus" : pics_path + "mus_musculus.png", "taeniopygia_guttata" : pics_path + "taeniopygia_guttata.png", "danio_rerio" : pics_path + "danio_rerio.png" }; // Different labels // The empty label shows no label var empty_label = tnt.tree.label.text() .text(function () { return ""; }); // The original label shows the name of the node (default) var original_label = tnt.tree.label.text() .fontsize(15); // The clean label shows the names substituting underscores with spaces var clean_label = tnt.tree.label.text() // Same as default but without underscores .fontsize(15) .text(function (node) { return, ' '); }); // The prefix label shows the first 7 characters of the labels appending '...' at the end var prefix_label = tnt.tree.label.text() // Showing only 7 characters .fontsize(15) .text(function (node) { return,6) + "..."; }); // The common label shows the common name of the species var common_label = tnt.tree.label.text() .fontsize(15) .text(function (node) { return scientific_to_common[]; }); var separated_label = tnt.tree.label.text() .fontsize(15) .text(function (node) { return scientific_to_common[]; }) .height(function () { return 50; }); // The image label shows a picture of the species var image_label = tnt.tree.label.img() .src(function (node) { return names_to_pics[]; }) .width(function () { return 50; }) .height(function () { return 50; }); // The joined label shows a picture + the common name var joined_label = tnt.tree.label.composite() .add_label (tnt.tree.label.img() .src (function (node) { return names_to_pics[]; }) .width(function () { return 50; }) .height(function () { return 50; }) ) .add_label(tnt.tree.label.text() .fontsize(15) .text(function (node) { return scientific_to_common[]; }) ); // text - image - text shows the node id, the pic of the species and its name // First text (may be variable) var text1 = tnt.tree.label.text() .fontsize(15) .text (function (node) { return; }); var root = tnt.tree.node(tnt.tree.parse_newick(newick)); var max_width_text1 = d3.max(root.get_all_leaves(), function (node) { return text1.width()(node); }); var text_img_text = tnt.tree.label.composite() .add_label(text1 .width(function () { return max_width_text1; }) ) .add_label (tnt.tree.label.img() .src (function (node) { return names_to_pics[]; }) .width(function () { return 50; }) .height(function () { return 50; }) ) .add_label(tnt.tree.label.text() .fontsize(15) .text(function (node) { return scientific_to_common[node.node_name()]; }) ); // The menu to change the labels dynamically var menu_pane = .append("div") .append("span") .text("Label display: "); var label_type_menu = menu_pane .append("select") .on("change", function () { switch (this.value) { case "empty" : tree.label(empty_label); break; case "original" : tree.label(original_label); break; case "clean" : tree.label(clean_label); break; case "prefix" : tree.label(prefix_label); break; case "common" : tree.label(common_label); break; case "separated" : tree.label(separated_label); break; case "image" : tree.label(image_label); break; case "joined" : tree.label(joined_label); break; case "three" : tree.label(text_img_text); break; } tree.update(); }); label_type_menu .append("option") .attr("value", "empty") .text("empty"); label_type_menu .append("option") .attr("value", "original") .attr("selected", 1) .text("original"); label_type_menu .append("option") .attr("value", "clean") .text("clean"); label_type_menu .append("option") .attr("value", "prefix") .text("prefix"); label_type_menu .append("option") .attr("value", "common") .text("common name"); label_type_menu .append("option") .attr("value", "separated") .text("Vertical separation"); label_type_menu .append("option") .attr("value", "image") .text("species image"); label_type_menu .append("option") .attr("value", "three") .text("text - image - text"); label_type_menu .append("option") .attr("value", "joined") .text("joined img + text"); var tree = tnt.tree() .data(tnt.tree.parse_newick(newick)) .duration(1000) .layout(tnt.tree.layout.vertical().width(600).scale(false)) .label(original_label); // The visualization renders at this point tree(div); };