Old school D3 from simpler times
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<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.5.5/d3.min.js"></script> <style> body { margin:0;position:fixed;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0; } #display { } #controls { float:left; padding-left: 15px; margin-top: 30px; width: 220px; height: 100%; } svg { position:absolute; left: 220px; width: calc(100% - 235px); height: 100%; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="display"> <div id="controls"> cell width<br><input id="cellWidth" type="range" min="1" max="20" value="15"> <br> cell height<br><input id="cellHeight" type="range" min="1" max="12" value="7"> <br> x margin<br><input id="xmargin" type="range" min="0" max="10" value="3.4"> <br> y margin<br> <input id="ymargin" type="range" min="0" max="10" value="4.24"> <br> <button id="brick">brick</button> </div> <svg></svg> </div> <script> var exampleData = d3.range(1000).map(function(d) { return Math.random() }); var brickSetting = true; //setup the parameters for the layout. all are optional var layout = new grid() .cellWidth(15) .cellHeight(8) .width(500) .margin([3.4, 4.24]) .offset([0, 28]) .brick(brickSetting) var color = d3.scale.linear() .domain([0, 1000]) .range(["#a8ff60", "#0600cc"]) .interpolate(d3.interpolateHcl) //console.log("layout", layout.nodes()); var svg = d3.select("svg") function drawCells() { var cells = svg.selectAll("rect") .data(layout.nodes(exampleData)) // everything is recalculated when nodes is called cells.enter().append("rect") cells.exit().remove() cells .attr({ x: function(d) { return d.x }, y: function(d) { return d.y }, width: layout.cellWidth(), height: layout.cellHeight(), fill: function(d,i) { return color(d.index) } }) } drawCells(); // hook up the sliders d3.select("#cellWidth").on("input", function() { layout.cellWidth(+this.value) drawCells(); }) d3.select("#cellHeight").on("input", function() { layout.cellHeight(+this.value); drawCells(); }) d3.select("#xmargin").on("input", function() { var margin = layout.margin(); margin[0] = +this.value; layout.margin(margin); drawCells(); }) d3.select("#ymargin").on("input", function() { var margin = layout.margin(); margin[1] = +this.value; layout.margin(margin); drawCells(); }) d3.select("#brick").on("click", function() { brickSetting = !brickSetting; layout.brick(brickSetting) drawCells(); if(brick) return d3.select("#brick").text("brick") d3.select("#brick").text("regular") }) // the grid layout itself function grid() { var data = []; var nodes; var width = 100; var cellWidth = 10; var cellHeight = 10; var nColumns = 10; var offset = [0,0]; var margin = [1,1]; var brick = false; function getX(d,i) { return offset[0] + (i % nColumns) * (cellWidth + margin[0]) } function getY(d,i) { return offset[1] + Math.floor(i/nColumns) * (cellHeight + margin[1]) } function newNodes() { nodes = []; data.forEach(function(d,i) { var node = { x: getX(d,i), y: getY(d,i), data: d, index: i } nodes.push(node); }) } newNodes(); function calculate() { nodes.forEach(function(node, i) { node.x = getX(node, node.index); node.y = getY(node, node.index); // calculate the center for convenience node.cx = node.x + cellWidth/2; node.cy = node.x + cellHeight/2; }) } this.nodes = function(val) { if(val) { data = val; newNodes(); } calculate(); return nodes; } this.columns = function(val) { } this.cellWidth = function(val) { if(val) { cellWidth = val; this.width(width); return this; } return cellWidth; } this.cellHeight = function(val) { if(val) { cellHeight = val; return this; } return cellHeight; } this.width = function(val) { if(val) { width = val; nColumns = Math.floor((width) / (cellWidth + margin[0])) + (brick ? 0.5 : 0); //cellWidth = val / nColumns; return this; } return width; } this.margin = function(val) { if(val) { margin = val; this.width(width); return this; } return margin; } this.offset = function(val) { if(val) { offset = val; return this; } return offset; } this.brick = function(val) { if(val === null || val === undefined) return brick; if(val !== null) { brick = val; this.width(width); return this; } return brick; } return this; } </script> </body>