Name: Erika Siregar Assignment : Visualization Implementation (VI1) Course: Information Visualization (CS725) Semester : Spring 2015
Working through the examples from Scott Murray's tutorial at
Built with
Graph created with R:
The R syntax to create the graph above:
# Define values
var <- c(20,60,65,95,115,15,35,35,95,130,20,145,55,70,80,60,110,115,140,90,115,105,130,30,145)
# create bar graph
bp = barplot(var, col="mediumseagreen", axes=FALSE, ann=FALSE)
text(bp, par("usr")[3], labels = 1:25, srt = 0, adj = c(0.5,2), xpd = TRUE, cex=.7)
axis(1, labels=FALSE, line=TRUE, pos = bp)
axis(2, las=1, cex.axis=0.8)
#adj = the x,y position of the label on the graph
#srt = the tilt of the x-axis label
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