A map of Eurocontrol member states. Hover with the mouse on members countries to get name, adhesion date and flag.
I tried various bounding boxes:
WOEID: 24865675
Centroid Location (lat/lon): 52.976181, 7.857840
Bounding Box:
NE 81.008797, 39.869301
SW 27.636311, -31.266001
I did decide to use
N = 71°
E = -11°
W = 35°
S = 34°
and then applied Mike's stackoverflow answer to find scale and translate values in order to center according to my map dimensions and above bounding box.
I tried some ogr2ogr
below but lacking time I resolved to use the data from Mike Bostock's World Atlas and reacheable via his TopoJSON Examples' gist
Countries in Europe (in bounding box):
ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON \
-where "SCALERANK = 0"
-spat -31.266001 27.636311 39.869301 81.008797 \
europe.json \
And capitals:
ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON \
-where "FEATURECLA = 'Admin-0 capital'" \
-spat -31.266001 27.636311 39.869301 81.008797 \
For now I stick with world list...
Modified http://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js to a secure url
Modified http://d3js.org/queue.v1.min.js to a secure url
Modified http://d3js.org/topojson.v1.min.js to a secure url
Modified http://keithcirkel.co.uk/jwerty/jwerty.js to a secure url
Changed /mbostock/raw/4090846/world-country-names.tsv to a local referenece
Changed /mbostock/raw/4090846/world-50m.json to a local referenece