Elections 20 years apart
The charts below compare voter turnout and election results in municipal elections in Lower Austria from 1995 and 2015 for the two major parties, OEVP and SPOE. 566 municipalities are included, four are missing because only one of those parties ran there (Aderklaa, Grosshofen, Parbasdorf and St. Corona am Wechsel).
Changes in turnout and party results
The number of municipalities in which turnout and party results were higher/lower in 2015 than in 1995.
The turnout has decreased almost everywhere, however, the change in party results is not so clear. While the SPOE struggles, the OEVP seems to have broadened its support on local level over the last 20 years. This corresponds with its performance on state level, holding the absolute majority in the state parliament since 2003.
Vote share of parties
The number of municipalities in which the OEVP and SPOE received a vote share of ...
The changes seem rather small, but this comparison does not account for big swings in the background. Again, the strength of the OEVP in Lower Austria is obvious, having an absolute majority in almost 70% of the municipalities.
Every dot represents the result for one party in one municipality, its size represents the number of voters.
While there were some rather dramatic vote shifts, most of the changes range from minus to plus 10 percentage points. The results show by trend that the parties, especially the OEVP, remain strong were they were strong 20 years ago.

So two decades changed little? While the big picture might suggest this conclusion, the individual political landscape in each village, town or city may look very different today than it did in 1995 - having seen different candidates and politicians and being expanded by new parties.