const log = console.log; var dataTable = dc.dataTable("#dc-table-graph"); var pieChart = dc.pieChart("#pie-chart"); var dim = {}, // Stores all crossfilter dimensions groups = {}, // Stores all crossfilter groups cf; d3.csv("info.csv").then(function(data) { // console.log("data:",data); data.forEach(d => { // var parts = d.Created.split('/'); // console.log("----------------:",new Date(; = new Date(; }); create_graph(data); }); function create_graph(data) { // Programmatically insert header labels for table var tableHeader =".table-header") .selectAll("th"); // Bind data to tableHeader selection. tableHeader = [ {label: "pid", field_name: "pid", sort_state: "ascending"}, {label: "cid", field_name: "cid", sort_state: "ascending"}, {label: "date", field_name: "date", sort_state: "ascending"}, {label: "type", field_name: "type", sort_state: "ascending"}, {label: "probability", field_name: "probability", sort_state: "descending"} // Note Max Conf row starts off as descending ] ); // enter() into virtual selection and create new header elements for each table column tableHeader = tableHeader.enter() .append("th") .text(function (d) { console.log("lab::::") return d.label; }) // Accessor function for header titles .on("click", tableHeaderCallback); function tableHeaderCallback(d) { // Highlight column header being sorted and show bootstrap glyphicon var activeClass = "info"; d3.selectAll("#dc-table-graph th") // Disable all highlighting and icons .classed(activeClass, false) .selectAll("span") .style("visibility", "hidden") // Hide glyphicon var activeSpan = // Enable active highlight and icon for active column for sorting .classed(activeClass, true) // Set bootstrap "info" class on active header for highlight .select("span") .style("visibility", "visible"); // Toggle sort order state to user desired state d.sort_state = d.sort_state === "ascending" ? "descending" : "ascending"; var isAscendingOrder = d.sort_state === "ascending"; dataTable .order(isAscendingOrder ? d3.ascending : d3.descending) .sortBy(function(datum) { return datum[d.field_name]; }); // Reset glyph icon for all other headers and update this headers icon activeSpan.node().className = ''; // Remove all glyphicon classes // Toggle glyphicon based on ascending/descending sort_state activeSpan.classed( isAscendingOrder ? "glyphicon glyphicon-sort-by-attributes" : "glyphicon glyphicon-sort-by-attributes-alt", true); updateTable(); dataTable.redraw(); } // Initialize sort state and sort icon on one of the header columns // Highlight "Max Conf" cell on page load // This can be done programmatically for user specified column tableHeader.filter(function(d) { return d.label === "Max Conf"; }) .classed("info", true); var tableSpans = tableHeader .append("span") // For Sort glyphicon on active table headers .classed("glyphicon glyphicon-sort-by-attributes-alt", true) .style("visibility", "hidden") .filter(function(d) { return d.label === "Max Conf"; }) .style("visibility", "visible"); cf = crossfilter(data); // Main crossfilter objects let pieTypeDimension = cf.dimension(function(d) { return}); let pieTypeGroup =; var reducer_prob = reductio().max(function(d) { // console.log("max:",d.Time_estimate); return parseFloat(d.probability) }); var pred_prob_max_pie = reducer_prob(pieTypeGroup).top(Infinity); console.log('==XX>', pred_prob_max_pie); pieChart .height(400) // .useViewBoxResizing(true) .dimension(pieTypeDimension) .group(pieTypeGroup) .valueAccessor(function(p) { return parseFloat(p.value.max) || 0; }) // this doesn't work because d is not a number; even d.value.max can be undefined // which coerces to NaN // .data(function (d) { // return d.order(function (d) { // console.log('d is', d); // return +d; // }).top(10) // }) .ordering(d => -(d.value.max || 0)) .othersGrouper(null) .slicesCap(4) .innerRadius(100) .externalLabels(30) .externalRadiusPadding(50) .drawPaths(true) // .dimension(runDimension) // .group(speedSumGroup) .legend(dc.legend()); // example of formatting the legend via svg // pieChart.on('pretransition', function(chart) { chart.selectAll('.dc-legend-item text') .text('') .append('tspan') .text(function(d) { return; }) .append('tspan') .attr('x', 100) .attr('text-anchor', 'end') .text(function(d) { return; }); }); // Setup different dimensions for plots dim.tableMaxConfidence = cf.dimension(function (d) { return; }); // ############################## // Generate the dc.js dataTable // ############################## // Create generating functions for each columns var columnFunctions = [ function(d) { return; }, function(d) { return d.cid; }, function(d) { return; }, function(d) { return d.types; }, function(d) { return d.probability; }, ]; // extra dimensions for filtering const cidDimension = cf.dimension(d => d.cid), dateDimension = cf.dimension(d =>; var color = d3.scaleSequential() //d3.scaleLinear() .domain([0, 0.9]) .interpolator(d3.interpolateBlues); // Pagination implementation inspired by: // dataTable.width(960).height(800) .dimension(dim.tableMaxConfidence) .group(function(d) { return "Dummy"}) // Must pass in. Ignored since .showGroups(false) .size(Infinity) .columns(columnFunctions) .showGroups(false) .sortBy(function(d){ return d.max_conf; }) // Initially sort by max_conf column .order(d3.descending) .on('pretransition', function (table) { table.selectAll('td.dc-table-column._0') .on('click',function(d){ console.log(d); table.filter( dc.redrawAll(); }) table.selectAll('td.dc-table-column._1') .on('click',function(d){ console.log("select:",d); cidDimension.filter(d.cid) dc.redrawAll(); }) table.selectAll('td.dc-table-column._2') .on('click',function(d){ dateDimension.filter( dc.redrawAll(); }) table.selectAll('td.dc-table-column._4') .style("background-color", function(d){ return color(d.probability)}); }); // log('!!!!!!!!!!:',dataTable.selectAll('td').style('visibility', "hidden")); updateTable(); dc.renderAll(); dataTable.redraw(); } // ##################################################333 // Data Table Pagination var tableOffset = 0, tablePageSize = 10; // updateTable calculates correct start and end indices for current page view // it slices and pulls appropriate date for current page from dataTable object // Finally, it updates the pagination button states depending on if more records // are available function updateTable() { // Visually encode the table as per rate value d3.selectAll('td.dc-table-column _4').style("background-color", function(d, i){ return colorScale(i); }); function colorScale(i){ var color = d3.scaleLinear() .domain([0, 10]) .interpolate(d3.interpolateRgb) .range(["orangered", "silver"]); return color(i); } // Ensure Prev/Next bounds are correct, especially after filters applied to dc charts var totFilteredRecs = cf.groupAll().value(); // Adjust values of start and end record numbers for edge cases var end = tableOffset + tablePageSize > totFilteredRecs ? totFilteredRecs : tableOffset + tablePageSize; tableOffset = tableOffset >= totFilteredRecs ? Math.floor((totFilteredRecs - 1) / tablePageSize) * tablePageSize : tableOffset; tableOffset = tableOffset < 0 ? 0 : tableOffset; // In case of zero entries // Grab data for current page from the dataTable object dataTable.beginSlice(tableOffset); dataTable.endSlice(tableOffset + tablePageSize); // Update Table paging buttons and footer text'span#begin') .text(end === 0 ? tableOffset : tableOffset + 1); // Correct for "Showing 1 of 0" bug'span#end') .text(end);'#Prev.btn') .attr('disabled', tableOffset - tablePageSize < 0 ? 'true' : null);'#Next.btn') .attr('disabled', tableOffset + tablePageSize >= totFilteredRecs ? 'true' : null);'span#size').text(totFilteredRecs); dataTable.redraw(); } // Callback function for clicking "Next" page button function nextPage() { tableOffset += tablePageSize; updateTable(); } // Callback function for clicking "Prev" page button function prevPage() { tableOffset -= tablePageSize; updateTable(); }