const dateFormatSpecifier = '%Y-%m-%d'; const dateFormat = d3.timeFormat(dateFormatSpecifier); const dateFormatParser = d3.timeParse(dateFormatSpecifier); let categoryChart = dc.pieChart('#sarcat-piechart'); let environmentChart = dc.rowChart('#environment-rowchart'); let monthlySeries = dc.lineChart('#incident-series'); let dataTable = dc.dataTable('#datatable'); let mapChart = dc_leaflet.markerChart("#map-chart"); monthlySeries.margins().left = 40; d3.csv('incidents.csv').then(function (data) { data = data.flatMap(d => d3.range(200).map(i => ({ ...d, ConfirmedLatitude: +d.ConfirmedLatitude + i/10, ConfirmedLongitude: +d.ConfirmedLongitude + i/10 }))); data.forEach(function (d) { d.ConfirmedLatitude = +d.ConfirmedLatitude; d.ConfirmedLongitude = +d.ConfirmedLongitude; = dateFormatParser(; d.date2 = dateFormat(; d.month = d3.timeMonth(; d.year = +d.year; d.geo = d.ConfirmedLatitude + "," + d.ConfirmedLongitude; }); console.log(data); /* now we create the crossfilter and set up the dimensions and groups*/ let ndx = crossfilter(data); let all = ndx.groupAll(); /* create a dimension for monthly incidents */ let monthlyDimension = ndx.dimension(function (d) { return d.month; }); let monthlyDimensionGroup =; /* create a dimension for SAR Category */ let categoryDimension = ndx.dimension(function (d) { return d.Category; }); let categoryDimensionGroup =; /* create a dimension for Environment */ let environmentDimension = ndx.dimension(function (d) { return d.Environment; }); let environmentDimensionGroup =; /* create a dimension for map data */ let mapDimension = ndx.dimension(function (d) { return d.geo; }); let mapDimensionGroup = function(p, v) { p.Environment = v.Environment; ++p.count; return p; }, function(p, v) { --p.count; return p; }, function() { return {count: 0}; } ); /* build pie chart for Categories*/ categoryChart .radius(80) .dimension(categoryDimension) .group(categoryDimensionGroup) .transitionDuration(500) .controlsUseVisibility(true); /* build row chart for Environments*/ environmentChart .dimension(environmentDimension) .group(environmentDimensionGroup) .transitionDuration(500) .controlsUseVisibility(true); /* build line chart for time series*/ monthlySeries .dimension(monthlyDimension) .group(monthlyDimensionGroup) .x(d3.scaleTime().domain(d3.extent(data, function(d) { return new Date(; }))) .transitionDuration(500) .elasticY(true) .controlsUseVisibility(true) .yAxisLabel("Incident count"); /* build datatable */ dataTable .dimension(monthlyDimension) .columns(['SourceAgency', { label: 'Date', format: function (d) { return d.date2; } }, 'Category', 'Environment']) .size(5) .sortBy(function (d) { return d.date2; }) .order(d3.ascending); mapChart .dimension(mapDimension) .group(mapDimensionGroup) .valueAccessor(d => d.value.count) .center([-40.77,173.59]) .zoom(3) .renderPopup(false) .brushOn(true) .cluster(true) .filterByArea(true) .controlsUseVisibility(true) .icon(function(d) { var iconUrl; switch(d.value.Environment) { case 'Air': iconUrl = ''; break; case 'Marine': iconUrl = ''; break; case 'Land': iconUrl = ''; break; case 'Undetermined': iconUrl = ''; break; default: iconUrl = ''; } return new L.Icon({ iconUrl: iconUrl, shadowUrl: '' }); }); function install_redraw_delay() { dc.override(mapChart, 'redraw', function() { window.setTimeout(() => mapChart._redraw(), 500); }); } function uninstall_redraw_delay() { if(mapChart._redraw) mapChart.redraw = mapChart._redraw; } install_redraw_delay();'#delay').on('change', function() { if(this.checked) install_redraw_delay(); else uninstall_redraw_delay(); }); // used to reset the map $("#mapReset").on('click', function() {[-40.77,173.59], 3); }); dc.renderAll(); dc.redrawAll(); });