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Character Combinations
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<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v4.min.js"></script> <style> body { margin:0;position:fixed;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0; } </style> </head> <body> <script> // Feel free to change or delete any of the code you see in this editor! // I guess the number 1 would never work?! const keypad = { 2: ["A","B","C"], 3: ["D","E","F"], 4: ["G","H","I"], 5: ["J","K","L"], 6: ["M","N","O"], 7: ["P","Q","R", "S"], 8: ["T","U","V"], 9: ["W","X","Y","Z"], } // sample input 23 needs to return all possible combinations // ["AD","AE","AF","BD","BE","BF","CD","CE","CF"] const testInput = 93; const getCombinations = (input) => { const combinations = []; const numbers = String(input).split(""); let count = 0; const totalNumbers = numbers.length; for (let i =0; i < totalNumbers - 1; i++){ const firstNumber = numbers[i]; const secondNumber = numbers[i+1]; const firstLetters = keypad[firstNumber]; const secondLetters = keypad[secondNumber]; const jmax = keypad[firstNumber].length; for (let j =0; j < jmax; j++){ const parentLetter = firstLetters[j]; const kmax = keypad[secondNumber].length; for (let k =0; k < kmax; k++){ const childLetter = secondLetters[k]; const combination = parentLetter + childLetter; combinations.push(combination); } } } return combinations; } const svg = d3.select("body").append("svg") .attr("width", 960) .attr("height", 1000) svg.append("text") .text("(1) Character Combinations") .attr("id","title") .attr("y", 50) .attr("x", 20) .attr("font-size", 28) .attr("font-weight", 500) .attr("fill", "teal") .attr("font-family", "monospace") svg.append("text") .text("") .attr("id","perf") .attr("y", 80) .attr("x", 20) .attr("fill","grey") .attr("font-size", 18) .attr("font-family", "monospace") const updateResult = ( id, result) => { d3.select(`#${id}`).text(result) } const t0 = performance.now(); const combinations = getCombinations(testInput); const t1 = performance.now(); const perf = `${testInput} took ${(t1 - t0).toFixed(4)} milliseconds.` updateResult("perf", String(perf)); let startY = 90; const delay1Sec = 500; combinations.forEach( combination => { svg.append("text") .text(combination) .attr("id","result") .attr("y", startY) .attr("x", 40) .attr("font-size", 20) .attr("font-family", "monospace") .attr("opacity",0) .transition() .attr("opacity",1) .attr("transform",`translate(0, ${30})`) .delay(startY + delay1Sec) startY += 20; }) const testCombinations23 = ["AD","AE","AF","BD","BE","BF","CD","CE","CF"]; const testCombinations93 = ["WD","WE","WF","XD","XE","XF","YD","YE","YF","ZD","ZE","ZF"]; const test = testInput === 23 ? testCombinations23 : testCombinations93; // credit stackoverflow // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3115982/how-to-check-if-two-arrays-are-equal-with-javascript function arraysEqual(a1,a2) { return JSON.stringify(a1)==JSON.stringify(a2); } const testResult = arraysEqual(combinations, test) const testFill = testResult ? "teal" : "darkred"; const testText = testResult ? "Success 😅" : "Fail 😔"; svg.append("text") .text(testText) .attr("fill", testFill) .attr("id","result") .attr("y", startY + 20) .attr("x", 40) .attr("font-size", 28) .attr("font-family", "monospace") .attr("opacity",0) .transition() .attr("opacity",1) .attr("transform",`translate(0, ${30})`) .delay(startY + delay1Sec) </script> </body>