var series, hours, minVal, maxVal, w = 400, h = 400, vizPadding = { top: 10, right: 0, bottom: 15, left: 0 }, radius, radiusLength, ruleColor = "#CCC"; var loadViz = function(){ loadData(); buildBase(); setScales(); addAxes(); draw(); }; var loadData = function(){ var randomFromTo = function randomFromTo(from, to){ return Math.floor(Math.random() * (to - from + 1) + from); }; series = [ [], [], [], [] ]; hours = []; for (i = 0; i < 6; i += 1) { series[0][i] = randomFromTo(0,6); series[1][i] = randomFromTo(2,6); series[2][i] = randomFromTo(3,6); series[3][i] = randomFromTo(1,6); hours[i] = i; //in case we want to do different formatting } mergedArr = series[0].concat(series[1]); minVal = d3.min(mergedArr); maxVal = d3.max(mergedArr); //give 25% of range as buffer to top maxVal = maxVal + ((maxVal - minVal) * 0.25); minVal = 0; //to complete the radial lines for (i = 0; i < series.length; i += 1) { series[i].push(series[i][0]); } }; var buildBase = function(){ var viz ="#viz") .append('svg:svg') .attr('width', w) .attr('height', h) .attr('class', 'vizSvg'); viz.append("svg:rect") .attr('id', 'axis-separator') .attr('x', 0) .attr('y', 0) .attr('height', 0) .attr('width', 0) .attr('height', 0); vizBody = viz.append("svg:g") .attr('id', 'body'); }; setScales = function () { var heightCircleConstraint, widthCircleConstraint, circleConstraint, centerXPos, centerYPos; //need a circle so find constraining dimension heightCircleConstraint = h - - vizPadding.bottom; widthCircleConstraint = w - vizPadding.left - vizPadding.right; circleConstraint = d3.min([ heightCircleConstraint, widthCircleConstraint]); radius = d3.scale.linear().domain([minVal, maxVal]) .range([0, (circleConstraint / 2)]); radiusLength = radius(maxVal); //attach everything to the group that is centered around middle centerXPos = widthCircleConstraint / 2 + vizPadding.left; centerYPos = heightCircleConstraint / 2 +; vizBody.attr("transform", "translate(" + centerXPos + ", " + centerYPos + ")"); }; addAxes = function () { var radialTicks = radius.ticks(5), i, circleAxes, lineAxes; vizBody.selectAll('.circle-ticks').remove(); vizBody.selectAll('.line-ticks').remove(); circleAxes = vizBody.selectAll('.circle-ticks') .data(radialTicks) .enter().append('svg:g') .attr("class", "circle-ticks"); circleAxes.append("svg:circle") .attr("r", function (d, i) { return radius(d); }) .attr("class", "circle") .style("stroke", ruleColor) .style("fill", "none"); circleAxes.append("svg:text") .attr("text-anchor", "middle") .attr("dy", function (d) { return -1 * radius(d); }) .text(String); lineAxes = vizBody.selectAll('.line-ticks') .data(hours) .enter().append('svg:g') .attr("transform", function (d, i) { return "rotate(" + ((i / hours.length * 360) - 90) + ")translate(" + radius(maxVal) + ")"; }) .attr("class", "line-ticks"); lineAxes.append('svg:line') .attr("x2", -1 * radius(maxVal)) .style("stroke", ruleColor) .style("fill", "none"); lineAxes.append('svg:text') .text(String) .attr("text-anchor", "middle") .attr("transform", function (d, i) { return (i / hours.length * 360) < 180 ? null : "rotate(180)"; }); }; var draw = function () { var groups, lines, linesToUpdate; highlightedDotSize = 4; groups = vizBody.selectAll('.series') .data(series); groups.enter().append("svg:g") .attr('class', 'series') .style('fill', function (d, i) { if(i === 0){ return "green"; } else { return "blue"; } }) .style('stroke', function (d, i) { if(i === 0){ return "green"; } else { return "blue"; } }); groups.exit().remove(); lines = groups.append('svg:path') .attr("class", "line") .attr("d", d3.svg.line.radial() .radius(function (d) { return 0; }) .angle(function (d, i) { if (i === 24) { i = 0; } //close the line return (i / 24) * 2 * Math.PI; })) .style("stroke-width", 3) .style("fill", "none"); groups.selectAll(".curr-point") .data(function (d) { return [d[0]]; }) .enter().append("svg:circle") .attr("class", "curr-point") .attr("r", 0); groups.selectAll(".clicked-point") .data(function (d) { return [d[0]]; }) .enter().append("svg:circle") .attr('r', 0) .attr("class", "clicked-point"); lines.attr("d", d3.svg.line.radial() .radius(function (d) { return radius(d); }) .angle(function (d, i) { if (i === 24) { i = 0; } //close the line return (i / 24) * 2 * Math.PI; })); };