/*! pym.js - v1.3.2 - 2018-02-13 */ /* * Pym.js is library that resizes an iframe based on the width of the parent and the resulting height of the child. * Check out the docs at http://blog.apps.npr.org/pym.js/ or the readme at README.md for usage. */ /** @module pym */ (function(factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(factory); } else if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { module.exports = factory(); } else { window.pym = factory.call(this); } })(function() { var MESSAGE_DELIMITER = 'xPYMx'; var lib = {}; /** * Create and dispatch a custom pym event * * @method _raiseCustomEvent * @inner * * @param {String} eventName */ var _raiseCustomEvent = function(eventName) { var event = document.createEvent('Event'); event.initEvent('pym:' + eventName, true, true); document.dispatchEvent(event); }; /** * Generic function for parsing URL params. * Via http://stackoverflow.com/questions/901115/how-can-i-get-query-string-values-in-javascript * * @method _getParameterByName * @inner * * @param {String} name The name of the paramter to get from the URL. */ var _getParameterByName = function(name) { var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name.replace(/[\[]/, '\\[').replace(/[\]]/, '\\]') + '=([^&#]*)'); var results = regex.exec(location.search); if (results === null) { return ''; } return decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " ")); }; /** * Check the message to make sure it comes from an acceptable xdomain. * Defaults to '*' but can be overriden in config. * * @method _isSafeMessage * @inner * * @param {Event} e The message event. * @param {Object} settings Configuration. */ var _isSafeMessage = function(e, settings) { if (settings.xdomain !== '*') { // If origin doesn't match our xdomain, return. if (!e.origin.match(new RegExp(settings.xdomain + '$'))) { return; } } // Ignore events that do not carry string data #151 if (typeof e.data !== 'string') { return; } return true; }; var _isSafeUrl = function(url) { // Adapted from angular 2 url sanitizer var SAFE_URL_PATTERN = /^(?:(?:https?|mailto|ftp):|[^&:/?#]*(?:[/?#]|$))/gi; if (!url.match(SAFE_URL_PATTERN)) { return; } return true; }; /** * Construct a message to send between frames. * * NB: We use string-building here because JSON message passing is * not supported in all browsers. * * @method _makeMessage * @inner * * @param {String} id The unique id of the message recipient. * @param {String} messageType The type of message to send. * @param {String} message The message to send. */ var _makeMessage = function(id, messageType, message) { var bits = ['pym', id, messageType, message]; return bits.join(MESSAGE_DELIMITER); }; /** * Construct a regex to validate and parse messages. * * @method _makeMessageRegex * @inner * * @param {String} id The unique id of the message recipient. */ var _makeMessageRegex = function(id) { var bits = ['pym', id, '(\\S+)', '(.*)']; return new RegExp('^' + bits.join(MESSAGE_DELIMITER) + '$'); }; /** * Underscore implementation of getNow * * @method _getNow * @inner * */ var _getNow = Date.now || function() { return new Date().getTime(); }; /** * Underscore implementation of throttle * * @method _throttle * @inner * * @param {function} func Throttled function * @param {number} wait Throttle wait time * @param {object} options Throttle settings */ var _throttle = function(func, wait, options) { var context, args, result; var timeout = null; var previous = 0; if (!options) {options = {};} var later = function() { previous = options.leading === false ? 0 : _getNow(); timeout = null; result = func.apply(context, args); if (!timeout) {context = args = null;} }; return function() { var now = _getNow(); if (!previous && options.leading === false) {previous = now;} var remaining = wait - (now - previous); context = this; args = arguments; if (remaining <= 0 || remaining > wait) { if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = null; } previous = now; result = func.apply(context, args); if (!timeout) {context = args = null;} } else if (!timeout && options.trailing !== false) { timeout = setTimeout(later, remaining); } return result; }; }; /** * Clean autoInit Instances: those that point to contentless iframes * @method _cleanAutoInitInstances * @inner */ var _cleanAutoInitInstances = function() { var length = lib.autoInitInstances.length; // Loop backwards to avoid index issues for (var idx = length - 1; idx >= 0; idx--) { var instance = lib.autoInitInstances[idx]; // If instance has been removed or is contentless then remove it if (instance.el.getElementsByTagName('iframe').length && instance.el.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0].contentWindow) { continue; } else { // Remove the reference to the removed or orphan instance lib.autoInitInstances.splice(idx,1); } } }; /** * Store auto initialized Pym instances for further reference * @name module:pym#autoInitInstances * @type Array * @default [] */ lib.autoInitInstances = []; /** * Initialize Pym for elements on page that have data-pym attributes. * Expose autoinit in case we need to call it from the outside * @instance * @method autoInit * @param {Boolean} doNotRaiseEvents flag to avoid sending custom events */ lib.autoInit = function(doNotRaiseEvents) { var elements = document.querySelectorAll('[data-pym-src]:not([data-pym-auto-initialized])'); var length = elements.length; // Clean stored instances in case needed _cleanAutoInitInstances(); for (var idx = 0; idx < length; ++idx) { var element = elements[idx]; /* * Mark automatically-initialized elements so they are not * re-initialized if the user includes pym.js more than once in the * same document. */ element.setAttribute('data-pym-auto-initialized', ''); // Ensure elements have an id if (element.id === '') { element.id = 'pym-' + idx + "-" + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2,5); } var src = element.getAttribute('data-pym-src'); // List of data attributes to configure the component // structure: {'attribute name': 'type'} var settings = {'xdomain': 'string', 'title': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'id': 'string', 'sandbox': 'string', 'allowfullscreen': 'boolean', 'parenturlparam': 'string', 'parenturlvalue': 'string', 'optionalparams': 'boolean', 'trackscroll': 'boolean', 'scrollwait': 'number'}; var config = {}; for (var attribute in settings) { // via https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/getAttribute#Notes if (element.getAttribute('data-pym-'+attribute) !== null) { switch (settings[attribute]) { case 'boolean': config[attribute] = !(element.getAttribute('data-pym-'+attribute) === 'false'); // jshint ignore:line break; case 'string': config[attribute] = element.getAttribute('data-pym-'+attribute); break; case 'number': var n = Number(element.getAttribute('data-pym-'+attribute)); if (!isNaN(n)) { config[attribute] = n; } break; default: console.err('unrecognized attribute type'); } } } // Store references to autoinitialized pym instances var parent = new lib.Parent(element.id, src, config); lib.autoInitInstances.push(parent); } // Fire customEvent if (!doNotRaiseEvents) { _raiseCustomEvent("pym-initialized"); } // Return stored autoinitalized pym instances return lib.autoInitInstances; }; /** * The Parent half of a response iframe. * * @memberof module:pym * @class Parent * @param {String} id The id of the div into which the iframe will be rendered. sets {@link module:pym.Parent~id} * @param {String} url The url of the iframe source. sets {@link module:pym.Parent~url} * @param {Object} [config] Configuration for the parent instance. sets {@link module:pym.Parent~settings} * @param {string} [config.xdomain='*'] - xdomain to validate messages received * @param {string} [config.title] - if passed it will be assigned to the iframe title attribute * @param {string} [config.name] - if passed it will be assigned to the iframe name attribute * @param {string} [config.id] - if passed it will be assigned to the iframe id attribute * @param {boolean} [config.allowfullscreen] - if passed and different than false it will be assigned to the iframe allowfullscreen attribute * @param {string} [config.sandbox] - if passed it will be assigned to the iframe sandbox attribute (we do not validate the syntax so be careful!!) * @param {string} [config.parenturlparam] - if passed it will be override the default parentUrl query string parameter name passed to the iframe src * @param {string} [config.parenturlvalue] - if passed it will be override the default parentUrl query string parameter value passed to the iframe src * @param {string} [config.optionalparams] - if passed and different than false it will strip the querystring params parentUrl and parentTitle passed to the iframe src * @param {boolean} [config.trackscroll] - if passed it will activate scroll tracking on the parent * @param {number} [config.scrollwait] - if passed it will set the throttle wait in order to fire scroll messaging. Defaults to 100 ms. * @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/iframe iFrame} */ lib.Parent = function(id, url, config) { /** * The id of the container element * * @memberof module:pym.Parent * @member {string} id * @inner */ this.id = id; /** * The url that will be set as the iframe's src * * @memberof module:pym.Parent * @member {String} url * @inner */ this.url = url; /** * The container DOM object * * @memberof module:pym.Parent * @member {HTMLElement} el * @inner */ this.el = document.getElementById(id); /** * The contained child iframe * * @memberof module:pym.Parent * @member {HTMLElement} iframe * @inner * @default null */ this.iframe = null; /** * The parent instance settings, updated by the values passed in the config object * * @memberof module:pym.Parent * @member {Object} settings * @inner */ this.settings = { xdomain: '*', optionalparams: true, parenturlparam: 'parentUrl', parenturlvalue: window.location.href, trackscroll: false, scrollwait: 100, }; /** * RegularExpression to validate the received messages * * @memberof module:pym.Parent * @member {String} messageRegex * @inner */ this.messageRegex = _makeMessageRegex(this.id); /** * Stores the registered messageHandlers for each messageType * * @memberof module:pym.Parent * @member {Object} messageHandlers * @inner */ this.messageHandlers = {}; // ensure a config object config = (config || {}); /** * Construct the iframe. * * @memberof module:pym.Parent * @method _constructIframe * @inner */ this._constructIframe = function() { // Calculate the width of this element. var width = this.el.offsetWidth.toString(); // Create an iframe element attached to the document. this.iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); // Save fragment id var hash = ''; var hashIndex = this.url.indexOf('#'); if (hashIndex > -1) { hash = this.url.substring(hashIndex, this.url.length); this.url = this.url.substring(0, hashIndex); } // If the URL contains querystring bits, use them. // Otherwise, just create a set of valid params. if (this.url.indexOf('?') < 0) { this.url += '?'; } else { this.url += '&'; } // Append the initial width as a querystring parameter // and optional params if configured to do so this.iframe.src = this.url + 'initialWidth=' + width + '&childId=' + this.id; if (this.settings.optionalparams) { this.iframe.src += '&parentTitle=' + encodeURIComponent(document.title); this.iframe.src += '&'+ this.settings.parenturlparam + '=' + encodeURIComponent(this.settings.parenturlvalue); } this.iframe.src +=hash; // Set some attributes to this proto-iframe. this.iframe.setAttribute('width', '100%'); this.iframe.setAttribute('scrolling', 'no'); this.iframe.setAttribute('marginheight', '0'); this.iframe.setAttribute('frameborder', '0'); if (this.settings.title) { this.iframe.setAttribute('title', this.settings.title); } if (this.settings.allowfullscreen !== undefined && this.settings.allowfullscreen !== false) { this.iframe.setAttribute('allowfullscreen',''); } if (this.settings.sandbox !== undefined && typeof this.settings.sandbox === 'string') { this.iframe.setAttribute('sandbox', this.settings.sandbox); } if (this.settings.id) { if (!document.getElementById(this.settings.id)) { this.iframe.setAttribute('id', this.settings.id); } } if (this.settings.name) { this.iframe.setAttribute('name', this.settings.name); } // Replace the child content if needed // (some CMSs might strip out empty elements) while(this.el.firstChild) { this.el.removeChild(this.el.firstChild); } // Append the iframe to our element. this.el.appendChild(this.iframe); // Add an event listener that will handle redrawing the child on resize. window.addEventListener('resize', this._onResize); // Add an event listener that will send the child the viewport. if (this.settings.trackscroll) { window.addEventListener('scroll', this._throttleOnScroll); } }; /** * Send width on resize. * * @memberof module:pym.Parent * @method _onResize * @inner */ this._onResize = function() { this.sendWidth(); if (this.settings.trackscroll) { this.sendViewportAndIFramePosition(); } }.bind(this); /** * Send viewport and iframe info on scroll. * * @memberof module:pym.Parent * @method _onScroll * @inner */ this._onScroll = function() { this.sendViewportAndIFramePosition(); }.bind(this); /** * Fire all event handlers for a given message type. * * @memberof module:pym.Parent * @method _fire * @inner * * @param {String} messageType The type of message. * @param {String} message The message data. */ this._fire = function(messageType, message) { if (messageType in this.messageHandlers) { for (var i = 0; i < this.messageHandlers[messageType].length; i++) { this.messageHandlers[messageType][i].call(this, message); } } }; /** * Remove this parent from the page and unbind it's event handlers. * * @memberof module:pym.Parent * @method remove * @instance */ this.remove = function() { window.removeEventListener('message', this._processMessage); window.removeEventListener('resize', this._onResize); this.el.removeChild(this.iframe); // _cleanAutoInitInstances in case this parent was autoInitialized _cleanAutoInitInstances(); }; /** * Process a new message from the child. * * @memberof module:pym.Parent * @method _processMessage * @inner * * @param {Event} e A message event. */ this._processMessage = function(e) { // First, punt if this isn't from an acceptable xdomain. if (!_isSafeMessage(e, this.settings)) { return; } // Discard object messages, we only care about strings if (typeof e.data !== 'string') { return; } // Grab the message from the child and parse it. var match = e.data.match(this.messageRegex); // If there's no match or too many matches in the message, punt. if (!match || match.length !== 3) { return false; } var messageType = match[1]; var message = match[2]; this._fire(messageType, message); }.bind(this); /** * Resize iframe in response to new height message from child. * * @memberof module:pym.Parent * @method _onHeightMessage * @inner * * @param {String} message The new height. */ this._onHeightMessage = function(message) { /* * Handle parent height message from child. */ var height = parseInt(message); this.iframe.setAttribute('height', height + 'px'); }; /** * Navigate parent to a new url. * * @memberof module:pym.Parent * @method _onNavigateToMessage * @inner * * @param {String} message The url to navigate to. */ this._onNavigateToMessage = function(message) { /* * Handle parent scroll message from child. */ if (!_isSafeUrl(message)) {return;} document.location.href = message; }; /** * Scroll parent to a given child position. * * @memberof module:pym.Parent * @method _onScrollToChildPosMessage * @inner * * @param {String} message The offset inside the child page. */ this._onScrollToChildPosMessage = function(message) { // Get the child container position using getBoundingClientRect + pageYOffset // via https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/getBoundingClientRect var iframePos = document.getElementById(this.id).getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset; var totalOffset = iframePos + parseInt(message); window.scrollTo(0, totalOffset); }; /** * Bind a callback to a given messageType from the child. * * Reserved message names are: "height", "scrollTo" and "navigateTo". * * @memberof module:pym.Parent * @method onMessage * @instance * * @param {String} messageType The type of message being listened for. * @param {module:pym.Parent~onMessageCallback} callback The callback to invoke when a message of the given type is received. */ this.onMessage = function(messageType, callback) { if (!(messageType in this.messageHandlers)) { this.messageHandlers[messageType] = []; } this.messageHandlers[messageType].push(callback); }; /** * @callback module:pym.Parent~onMessageCallback * @param {String} message The message data. */ /** * Send a message to the the child. * * @memberof module:pym.Parent * @method sendMessage * @instance * * @param {String} messageType The type of message to send. * @param {String} message The message data to send. */ this.sendMessage = function(messageType, message) { // When used alongside with pjax some references are lost if (this.el.getElementsByTagName('iframe').length) { if (this.el.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0].contentWindow) { this.el.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0].contentWindow .postMessage(_makeMessage(this.id, messageType, message), '*'); } else { // Contentless child detected remove listeners and iframe this.remove(); } } }; /** * Transmit the current iframe width to the child. * * You shouldn't need to call this directly. * * @memberof module:pym.Parent * @method sendWidth * @instance */ this.sendWidth = function() { var width = this.el.offsetWidth.toString(); this.sendMessage('width', width); }; /** * Transmit the current viewport and iframe position to the child. * Sends viewport width, viewport height * and iframe bounding rect top-left-bottom-right * all separated by spaces * * You shouldn't need to call this directly. * * @memberof module:pym.Parent * @method sendViewportAndIFramePosition * @instance */ this.sendViewportAndIFramePosition = function() { var iframeRect = this.iframe.getBoundingClientRect(); var vWidth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth; var vHeight = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight; var payload = vWidth + ' ' + vHeight; payload += ' ' + iframeRect.top + ' ' + iframeRect.left; payload += ' ' + iframeRect.bottom + ' ' + iframeRect.right; this.sendMessage('viewport-iframe-position', payload); }; // Add any overrides to settings coming from config. for (var key in config) { this.settings[key] = config[key]; } /** * Throttled scroll function. * * @memberof module:pym.Parent * @method _throttleOnScroll * @inner */ this._throttleOnScroll = _throttle(this._onScroll.bind(this), this.settings.scrollwait); // Bind required message handlers this.onMessage('height', this._onHeightMessage); this.onMessage('navigateTo', this._onNavigateToMessage); this.onMessage('scrollToChildPos', this._onScrollToChildPosMessage); this.onMessage('parentPositionInfo', this.sendViewportAndIFramePosition); // Add a listener for processing messages from the child. window.addEventListener('message', this._processMessage, false); // Construct the iframe in the container element. this._constructIframe(); return this; }; /** * The Child half of a responsive iframe. * * @memberof module:pym * @class Child * @param {Object} [config] Configuration for the child instance. sets {@link module:pym.Child~settings} * @param {function} [config.renderCallback=null] Callback invoked after receiving a resize event from the parent, sets {@link module:pym.Child#settings.renderCallback} * @param {string} [config.xdomain='*'] - xdomain to validate messages received * @param {number} [config.polling=0] - polling frequency in milliseconds to send height to parent * @param {number} [config.id] - parent container id used when navigating the child iframe to a new page but we want to keep it responsive. * @param {string} [config.parenturlparam] - if passed it will be override the default parentUrl query string parameter name expected on the iframe src */ lib.Child = function(config) { /** * The initial width of the parent page * * @memberof module:pym.Child * @member {string} parentWidth * @inner */ this.parentWidth = null; /** * The id of the parent container * * @memberof module:pym.Child * @member {String} id * @inner */ this.id = null; /** * The title of the parent page from document.title. * * @memberof module:pym.Child * @member {String} parentTitle * @inner */ this.parentTitle = null; /** * The URL of the parent page from window.location.href. * * @memberof module:pym.Child * @member {String} parentUrl * @inner */ this.parentUrl = null; /** * The settings for the child instance. Can be overriden by passing a config object to the child constructor * i.e.: var pymChild = new pym.Child({renderCallback: render, xdomain: "\\*\.npr\.org"}) * * @memberof module:pym.Child.settings * @member {Object} settings - default settings for the child instance * @inner */ this.settings = { renderCallback: null, xdomain: '*', polling: 0, parenturlparam: 'parentUrl' }; /** * The timerId in order to be able to stop when polling is enabled * * @memberof module:pym.Child * @member {String} timerId * @inner */ this.timerId = null; /** * RegularExpression to validate the received messages * * @memberof module:pym.Child * @member {String} messageRegex * @inner */ this.messageRegex = null; /** * Stores the registered messageHandlers for each messageType * * @memberof module:pym.Child * @member {Object} messageHandlers * @inner */ this.messageHandlers = {}; // Ensure a config object config = (config || {}); /** * Bind a callback to a given messageType from the child. * * Reserved message names are: "width". * * @memberof module:pym.Child * @method onMessage * @instance * * @param {String} messageType The type of message being listened for. * @param {module:pym.Child~onMessageCallback} callback The callback to invoke when a message of the given type is received. */ this.onMessage = function(messageType, callback) { if (!(messageType in this.messageHandlers)) { this.messageHandlers[messageType] = []; } this.messageHandlers[messageType].push(callback); }; /** * @callback module:pym.Child~onMessageCallback * @param {String} message The message data. */ /** * Fire all event handlers for a given message type. * * @memberof module:pym.Child * @method _fire * @inner * * @param {String} messageType The type of message. * @param {String} message The message data. */ this._fire = function(messageType, message) { /* * Fire all event handlers for a given message type. */ if (messageType in this.messageHandlers) { for (var i = 0; i < this.messageHandlers[messageType].length; i++) { this.messageHandlers[messageType][i].call(this, message); } } }; /** * Process a new message from the parent. * * @memberof module:pym.Child * @method _processMessage * @inner * * @param {Event} e A message event. */ this._processMessage = function(e) { /* * Process a new message from parent frame. */ // First, punt if this isn't from an acceptable xdomain. if (!_isSafeMessage(e, this.settings)) { return; } // Discard object messages, we only care about strings if (typeof e.data !== 'string') { return; } // Get the message from the parent. var match = e.data.match(this.messageRegex); // If there's no match or it's a bad format, punt. if (!match || match.length !== 3) { return; } var messageType = match[1]; var message = match[2]; this._fire(messageType, message); }.bind(this); /** * Resize iframe in response to new width message from parent. * * @memberof module:pym.Child * @method _onWidthMessage * @inner * * @param {String} message The new width. */ this._onWidthMessage = function(message) { /* * Handle width message from the child. */ var width = parseInt(message); // Change the width if it's different. if (width !== this.parentWidth) { this.parentWidth = width; // Call the callback function if it exists. if (this.settings.renderCallback) { this.settings.renderCallback(width); } // Send the height back to the parent. this.sendHeight(); } }; /** * Send a message to the the Parent. * * @memberof module:pym.Child * @method sendMessage * @instance * * @param {String} messageType The type of message to send. * @param {String} message The message data to send. */ this.sendMessage = function(messageType, message) { /* * Send a message to the parent. */ window.parent.postMessage(_makeMessage(this.id, messageType, message), '*'); }; /** * Transmit the current iframe height to the parent. * * Call this directly in cases where you manually alter the height of the iframe contents. * * @memberof module:pym.Child * @method sendHeight * @instance */ this.sendHeight = function() { // Get the child's height. var height = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].offsetHeight.toString(); // Send the height to the parent. this.sendMessage('height', height); return height; }.bind(this); /** * Ask parent to send the current viewport and iframe position information * * @memberof module:pym.Child * @method sendHeight * @instance */ this.getParentPositionInfo = function() { // Send the height to the parent. this.sendMessage('parentPositionInfo'); }; /** * Scroll parent to a given element id. * * @memberof module:pym.Child * @method scrollParentTo * @instance * * @param {String} hash The id of the element to scroll to. */ this.scrollParentTo = function(hash) { this.sendMessage('navigateTo', '#' + hash); }; /** * Navigate parent to a given url. * * @memberof module:pym.Child * @method navigateParentTo * @instance * * @param {String} url The url to navigate to. */ this.navigateParentTo = function(url) { this.sendMessage('navigateTo', url); }; /** * Scroll parent to a given child element id. * * @memberof module:pym.Child * @method scrollParentToChildEl * @instance * * @param {String} id The id of the child element to scroll to. */ this.scrollParentToChildEl = function(id) { // Get the child element position using getBoundingClientRect + pageYOffset // via https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/getBoundingClientRect var topPos = document.getElementById(id).getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset; this.scrollParentToChildPos(topPos); }; /** * Scroll parent to a particular child offset. * * @memberof module:pym.Child * @method scrollParentToChildPos * @instance * * @param {Number} pos The offset of the child element to scroll to. */ this.scrollParentToChildPos = function(pos) { this.sendMessage('scrollToChildPos', pos.toString()); }; /** * Mark Whether the child is embedded or not * executes a callback in case it was passed to the config * * @memberof module:pym.Child * @method _markWhetherEmbedded * @inner * * @param {module:pym.Child~onMarkedEmbeddedStatus} The callback to execute after determining whether embedded or not. */ var _markWhetherEmbedded = function(onMarkedEmbeddedStatus) { var htmlElement = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0], newClassForHtml, originalHtmlClasses = htmlElement.className; try { if(window.self !== window.top) { newClassForHtml = "embedded"; }else{ newClassForHtml = "not-embedded"; } }catch(e) { newClassForHtml = "embedded"; } if(originalHtmlClasses.indexOf(newClassForHtml) < 0) { htmlElement.className = originalHtmlClasses ? originalHtmlClasses + ' ' + newClassForHtml : newClassForHtml; if(onMarkedEmbeddedStatus){ onMarkedEmbeddedStatus(newClassForHtml); } _raiseCustomEvent("marked-embedded"); } }; /** * @callback module:pym.Child~onMarkedEmbeddedStatus * @param {String} classname "embedded" or "not-embedded". */ /** * Unbind child event handlers and timers. * * @memberof module:pym.Child * @method remove * @instance */ this.remove = function() { window.removeEventListener('message', this._processMessage); if (this.timerId) { clearInterval(this.timerId); } }; // Initialize settings with overrides. for (var key in config) { this.settings[key] = config[key]; } // Identify what ID the parent knows this child as. this.id = _getParameterByName('childId') || config.id; this.messageRegex = new RegExp('^pym' + MESSAGE_DELIMITER + this.id + MESSAGE_DELIMITER + '(\\S+)' + MESSAGE_DELIMITER + '(.*)$'); // Get the initial width from a URL parameter. var width = parseInt(_getParameterByName('initialWidth')); // Get the url of the parent frame this.parentUrl = _getParameterByName(this.settings.parenturlparam); // Get the title of the parent frame this.parentTitle = _getParameterByName('parentTitle'); // Bind the required message handlers this.onMessage('width', this._onWidthMessage); // Set up a listener to handle any incoming messages. window.addEventListener('message', this._processMessage, false); // If there's a callback function, call it. if (this.settings.renderCallback) { this.settings.renderCallback(width); } // Send the initial height to the parent. this.sendHeight(); // If we're configured to poll, create a setInterval to handle that. if (this.settings.polling) { this.timerId = window.setInterval(this.sendHeight, this.settings.polling); } _markWhetherEmbedded(config.onMarkedEmbeddedStatus); return this; }; // Initialize elements with pym data attributes // if we are not in server configuration if(typeof document !== "undefined") { lib.autoInit(true); } return lib; });