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Placessness distribution of Seoul City

This works demonstrates the distribution of each placeness in the city of Seoul.

-- Geographic Information
Seoul has two administrative area levels: gu and dong. Seoul has 25 gus and 424 dongs, so each gu contains about 17 dongs on average. Each dong has a residential population of about 20,000 ~ 30,000, and an area of 1.43km2 on average. We used the dong-typed data from SGIS in Korea National Statistical Office (통계청 지리정보서비스), and the data was updated in 2014.

-- Heatmap
We crawled geo-tageed Twitter data from the city of Seoul, and the crawled period is from Nov.2016 to Feb. 2017. With this data, we combined our ontology system to process morphemes of twitter posts and to represent appropriate placesness of each location.

See this paper for more information on the ontology system.