S18 - HW3 - Scatterplot
Hariharan Thiyagarajan
CS 725/825
Spring 2018
Homework 3 - Scatterplot
Intial Scatterplot
Mark Used
- Points is the mark used in the scatter plot.
- Position is the Channel used to map the points.
- Position channel is mapped to the attribute RushingTD's and Passing TD's
- The data type of the attribute RushingTD's and Passing TD's is Quantitative
Edited Scatterplot
Channel used
- Position, color and Size are the channels used in this.
- Position is used to plot the points. Color is used to differentiate the attribute Conf and Size is used for the attribute Rate which calculates the passing effiecny rating above 140.
- The data type of the Rushing and Passinf TD's is Quantitative, Conf is Categorical and Rate is Quantitative
forked from hthiyaga's block: S18 - HW3 - Scatterplot
forked from hthiyaga's block: S18 - HW3 - Scatterplot