Chandrasekhar Reddy Muthyala - 01088628
CS 725/825
Spring 2019
See the assignment instructions at
Homework 3 - Bar Chart
This simple bar chart is constructed from a TSV file storing the frequency of letters in the English language. The chart employs conventional margins and a number of D3 features.
Inital Bar Chart
Channel and Attribute
- Length,Position is the Channel used in the chart.
- They are mapped to the attribute Letter and Frequency.
- The data type of the attribute is where letter is Ordered and frequency Quantitative.
After Changes
Color Hue Channel
Channel and Attribute
- Length,Position and color is the Channel used in the chart.
- color channel is applied which is Hue based on the letter attribute.Each Bar will have different color based on d3.scaleOrdinal and d3.schemeCategory10
- The data type of the attribute is Ordered
Color Saturation Channel
Channel and Attribute
- Length,Position and color is the Channel used in the chart.
- color channel is applied which is saturation based on the Frequency attribute.
- The data type of the atribute is Quantitative.
- Each color channel is applied based on the frequency from low to high. Each Bar will have different color based on frequency using d3.scaleSequential and d3.interpolateBlues.
forked from cmuth001's block: S19 - HW 3 - Bar Chart
forked from cmuth001's block: S19 - HW 4 - Bar Chart