Proof of concept of grayscale image recolored directly via D3js color scale. Wikimaps colors used.
Source: The source image is a global heightmap from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission, released as part of NASA’s Blue Marble collection at 8km resolution. The topography data is stored in a simple 130KB black&white, 8-bit PNG. In it, darker values represent lower elevations (sea floor), lighter values represent higher elevations (mountains).
Colors are read out of the image using the Canvas API.
Data properties:
: there are 8 bits per channel, values range thus is [0-255]
: the deepest depression below sea level.14
: is the Sea level.Formerly, Mike Bostock used the 5th, 50th and 95th percentiles for land elevation as 15, 35 and 132 respectively; quantiles being an effective way to maximize contrast while remapping colors, similar to auto-tone features popular in image editors.
The percentiles are used as the domain of a diverging linear scale; red values are below the median elevation, and blue values are above. Interpolating in HCL colorspace improves perception.
Stylesheet: this dataviz follow the Wikipedia Maps Conventions for Topographic maps.
var color = d3.scale.linear()
"#71ABD8", //-10000m dark blue
"#D8F2FE", // 0m light-blue
"#94BF8B", // 1m green
"#EFEBC0", // 300m yellow
"#AA8753", // 3000m brown
"#FFFFFF"]) //~6000m white
Binary images can store lots of data efficiently. Also, see Mike Bostock's :
Note: Semantically, traditional rainbow color scale are to avoid since rainbow color scales are harmful. To do better, let's use perceptually-optimized scales.
Modified to a secure url