/* PRINCIPLES ############################################ */ // 1. API'S URL: // 1a.Parts of the url: wd = "https://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php?"; wp = "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?"; // list of iso-code = ? ----------------< aw = "action=wbgetentities" ; // rather wdpoint aq = "action=query" ; // ?rather wppage ts = "&sites=enwiki" ; // wd only&required. // list of wiki-code = ? --------------< t = "&titles=" // target, wd|wp i = "Dragon"; //item, wd|wp // i_ht = "*~米字鍵~" ; // wdpoint|wppage -- +few data // i_hs = "*~米字键~" ; // wdpoint: missing; wppage: redirect (confirmed) // i_ht = "中國" ; // wdpoint|wppage -- +many data // i_hs = "中国" ; // wdpoint: missing; wppage: redirect (idem) l = "&languages=zh|zh-classical|zh-cn|zh-hans|zh-hant|zh-hk|zh-min-nan|zh-mo|zh-my|zh-sg|zh-tw|fr" ; // wdpoint only ps = "&props=sitelinks|labels|aliases|descriptions" ; // wdpoint only //sitelinks: all interwikis //labels: title without _(tag), for l (languages) only //aliases: label of redirect page p = "&prop=extracts&exintro&explaintext&exsentences=10" ; // wppage only r = "&redirects&converttitles" ; // wppage only c = "&callback=?" ;// wd|wp f = "&format=json" ;// wd|wp //1b. Compose your url: urlwd = wd+aw+ts+t+i+l+ps +c+f; // typical wd query url = wp+aq +t+i +p+r+c+f; // typical wp query // Examples print in console: console.log("1. WD: "+urlwd); console.log("2. WP: "+url); /* translate *********************************************** */ var wikidata_translate = function (item,isolang) { var url = wd+aw+ts+t+item+l+ps +c+f, // typical wd query iso = isolang+"wiki", trad=""; console.log(url); $.getJSON(url, function (json) { trad = json.entities[ Object.keys(json.entities)[0] ].sitelinks[iso].title; console.log("1"+trad); }) //return trad +"y2"+toto; }; console.log(wikidata_translate("Dragon", "zh") /**/) //1c. DOM injection: //$("body").html('Link.
'+ url); //publish the url. // wd+i INconsistently provide variants. /* DEMO ################################################## */ /* 2. TEMPLATING ***************************************** */ // 2a. Single query : function WD(item) { url = wp+aq+t+ item +p+r+c+f; console.log(url); $.getJSON(url, function (json) { var item_id = Object.keys(json.query.pages)[0]; // THIS DO THE TRICK ! var extract = json.query.pages[item_id].extract; var result = "En : " + item + " " + extract; $('#anchor1').append("
"); // append }); }; WD("Dragon"); // 2b. Single query (alternative code): function WD_i(item) { //var be = item url_tpl = wp+aq+t+ item +p+r+c+f; $.getJSON(url_tpl, function (data) { $.each(data.query.pages, function (i, json) { // THIS DO THE TRICK ! sent = json.extract.toString(); result = "En: " + item + " " + sent; $('#anchor2').append("
");// append }); }); } WD_i("unicorn"); /* LOOP ************************************************** */ // 2c. LOOP on a list of existing articles function WD_list(list) { $.each(list, function (a, item) { WD_i(item); }); } var List = [ "Qilin", "Basilisk", "Biscione", "Chollima", "Cockatrice", "Dragon", "Enfield", "Garuda", "Griffin", "Keythong", "Harpy", "Lindworm", "Manticore", "Mermaid", "Pegasus", "Phoenix", "Salamander", "Sea-horse", "Sea-lion", "Turul", "Unicorn", "Wyver", "Yale"]; WD_list(List);