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Bar Chart with data


  • Hung Do; CS725:Information Visualization; Spring 2016;
  • Computer Science; Old Dominion University

My notes:

Two comments from tableau:

  • It is helpful to follow a tutorial about tableau. I found one from (ODU students can access at no cost).
  • There is no coding involved in Tableau but there are a lot of functions to visualize data.

Three comments from D3:

  • In D3, we can declare format variables at the beginning to help coding easily.
  • We can use SVG to draw many beautiful shapes.
  • ".attr" in D3 helps alot when decorating a graph.

1. Bar chart of passing yards per player (best displayed as a horizontal bar chart), with conference mapped to color

  • Q: What insight does it provide?
  • A: We can see and compare passing yards of each player in different conference (group by color)

first image

2. Scatterplot of two interesting variables, with conference mapped to color

  • Q: What insight does it provide?
  • A: We can discover some interesting information such as player with higher passing-attempt likely has higher passing-yards.

second image

3. One other interesting graph that uses a derived variable

  • Q: What insight does it provide?
  • A: There is a relation between rate and passing-yards. Players above the trend line are considering better as they have high rate and high passing-yards.

third image