Treemaps: Popular Presidential Campaign Videos
Treemaps: Popular Presidential Campaign Videos
This viz is a visual way of showing how various official presidential campaign videos are peforming on youtube in terms of view count, like count, dislike count, favorite count and comment count. Its a quick way and visual way to compare how the candidate's offical campaign ads on youtube are preforming.
This viz uses d3 to build up treemap nodes that are iframes.
The size of each treemap node is determined by numeric value of view count, like count, dislike count, favorite count, or comment count (whatever the use selects from the radio button form). When a user selects a different option, the size of the tree map nodes are recomputed and a reconfigured tree map appears.
Files in this project are:
- index.html - the main beef of this project
- tooltip.js - helper functions for the tooltip.
- Youtube_flare.json contains the actual data for the viz. The youtube api was used to get the data in this viz.
- Helpful tool for building your Youtube API Calls
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