These are the materials for my workshop at Strata San Jose 2015 as well as resources and next steps. Videos of the workshop can be found here.
We will be using the following two tools to works through these exercises:
I would love your feedback on the materials either on the Q&A forum (Google Group) or in the Github issues.
And please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly via email at or over twitter @clearspandex
Throughout this workshop, you will learn how to make this animated and interactive line plot of temperature over time in Noe Valley.
The data is from the Data Canvas project, which is sponsored by Gray Area, swissnex San Francisco, and Lift. It contains data from 14 sensors in 7 cities which collect and stream information about their environment (temperature, dust, pollution, humidity, light, etc.).
You an access a bulk download of all the data (100+ MB) here. You can also download samples or access the stream through the API (details on the data page).
There are 4 different granularities of measurement. Files ending in:
: measurements every 5 minutes for a day*-1hd.csv
: measurements every 1 hour for a day*-6hw.csv
: measurements every 6 hours for a weeknoevalley.csv (or grapealope.csv)
: entire history of the sensor near Noe Valley at 10 second resolutionThe files are comma separated with headers and 8 fields:
timestamp | city | temperature | light | airquality_raw | sound | humidity | dust |
2015-02-16T17:00:00.000Z | San Francisco | 20.8856185354523 | 2231.45801048026 | 28.8458008730416 | 1674.71050009727 | 48.4880466992298 | 882.367404134883 |
2015-02-16T18:00:00.000Z | San Francisco | 21.8623045793052 | 2542.46720508251 | 26.5113633058142 | 1652.25960948903 | 43.9341875396295 | 912.0280753969 |
2015-02-16T19:00:00.000Z | San Francisco | 23.5113166041101 | 3215.03460441893 | 24.8987852323788 | 1690.5842506536 | 40.5058249680354 | 939.447105875158 |
2015-02-16T20:00:00.000Z | San Francisco | 25.6472096479114 | 4558.69142401972 | 26.0867059045864 | 1704.29832357106 | 38.4312464272035 | 999.743066983922 |
Archival event link: Strata + Hadoop World San Jose 2015
forked from Jay-Oh-eN's block: Strata Interactive Data Visualization: Exercise 3