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Horizontal 100 percent bar chart red

Horizontal 100 percent bar chart blue

Responsive bar chart with multiple bars


Disney Princess Names

Fade in scatterplot


Small multiple bubble maps with tooltips

Yearly animated cycle map

UConn basketball margin

UConn women's basketball scorers

Scatter plot with detailed labels

Arrow chart with styles

IN PROGRESS: Census API county mapper

Choropleth U.S. county map

Us dot map

Responsive line chart with tooltips

Responsive US state choropleth

Responsive bar chart d3

Responsive vertical bar chart

Multiple line graphs


New Hampshire Democratic results map

Poverty rate by county

Draggable force network diagram

Bubble map with button transition

Horizontal bar chart with button scale transition

After Effects animations to canvas with bodymovin.js

Line chart with shaded middle area

Line area chart with swoopy drag annotations

Linked small multiple area charts with focus hovers

Line chart with button transitions

Strip or barcode plot

Bubble world map with button transitions