Generated using d3-ez D3 Reusable Chart Library
A radial heat map is a variation of heat map, where the table is aligned radially. A heat map is a graphical representation of data where the individual values contained in a matrix are represented as colors. Fractal maps and tree maps both often use a similar system of color-coding to represent the values taken by a variable in a hierarchy. The term is also used to mean its thematic application as a choropleth map. The term “Heatmap” was originally coined and trademarked by software designer Cormac Kinney in 1991, to describe a 2D display depicting real time financial market information.
FUNCTION: Comparison; Correlation
Credit: Data Viz Project
Credit: Peter Cook for giving permission to use code from his Circular Heat Chart
<title>d3-ez : Heat Map (Radial) Example</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
<div id="chartholder"></div>
<div>Value: <span id="message"></span></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Generate some data
function randomDataset() {
var _randomNum = function() {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
var data = [{
key: "asfd",
values: [{
key: "brig",
value: _randomNum()
}, {
key: "cosh",
value: _randomNum()
}, {
key: "popl",
value: _randomNum()
}, {
key: "winn",
value: _randomNum()
}, {
key: "brig",
values: [{
key: "asfd",
value: _randomNum()
}, {
key: "cosh",
value: _randomNum()
}, {
key: "popl",
value: _randomNum()
}, {
key: "winn",
value: _randomNum()
}, {
key: "cosh",
values: [{
key: "asfd",
value: _randomNum()
}, {
key: "brig",
value: _randomNum()
}, {
key: "popl",
value: _randomNum()
}, {
key: "winn",
value: _randomNum()
}, {
key: "popl",
values: [{
key: "asfd",
value: _randomNum()
}, {
key: "brig",
value: _randomNum()
}, {
key: "cosh",
value: _randomNum()
}, {
key: "winn",
value: _randomNum()
}, {
key: "winn",
values: [{
key: "asfd",
value: _randomNum()
}, {
key: "brig",
value: _randomNum()
}, {
key: "cosh",
value: _randomNum()
}, {
key: "popl",
value: _randomNum()
return data;
var colors = ["#D34152", "#f4bc71", "#FBF6C4", "#9bcf95", "#398abb"];
var chart = d3.ez.chart.heatMapRadial().colors(colors);
var legend = d3.ez.component.legend().title('Widget Counts');
var title = d3.ez.component.title().mainText("Town to Town Stats").subText("Number of widgets between UK towns");
// Create chart base
var myChart = d3.ez.base()
.on("customValueMouseOver", function(d, i) {"#message").text(d.key);