This calendar is loosely based on Your Life in Weeks from the ever awesome Wait But Why.
To get your life calendar,
with the suggested life phases,
append YYYY-MM-DD
after this url
(and maybe force-reload it, if needed).
I've only tested it in Google Chrome, so far.
To set your own phases and events, you can use a JSON object instead:
{ "YYYY-MM-DD": "Born"
, "2006-09-01": "#0051c7: Founded a startup"
, "2013-02-06": "#fff: Folded the startup"
, "2015-11-11": "Made nifty week calendar"
Dates are on the left,
(ISO 3166 year-month-day format),
description on the right.
If your description starts
with a hex colour followed by :
all subsequent dates are painted thus
until your next colour declared.
A huge JSON object in the URL isn't great for sharing, but you can link a JSON file, provided it is hosted with CORS headers. I recommend Save your dataset there, and append the json url instead.
(Per, this feature is at the time of writing this supported only in Chrome, Opera and Firefox.)