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SVG browser compatibility tables, c/o Jeff Schiller,

Where does this beautiful data come from?

All data here was compiled by Jeff Schiller.

What does it do?

It powers this d3.js grid data visualization.

Cool. How do I regenerate it?

  1. go to

  2. in chrome, open the devtools console and paste:

    function I(i) { return i; }
    function array(a) { return [], 0); }
    function row(t,r) { return array(t.rows[r].cells); }
    function col(t,c) { return array(t.rows).map(function(r){return r.cells[c];}); }
    function cell(t,r,c) { return t.rows[r].cells[c]; }
    function browser_class(b, i) {
      var cn = i + 2
        , ua = b.textContent.trim()
        , re = /(.*?)\s*((?:r?[\d.-]+|[+()]|Alpha|Beta|DevPrev|Nightly).*)/
        , is = ua.replace(re, '$1').replace(/Minefield/i, 'Firefox')
        , no = ua.replace(re, '$2')
        , ok = col(tb, 2 + i).slice(3);
      return { date:     ok[daterow].textContent.trim()
             , family:   is
             , version:  no === is ? '' : no.replace(/[()]/g, '')
             , name:     ua
             , grade:    cell(tb, 1, cn).textContent
             , percent:  cell(tb, 2, cn).textContent
             , scores:   Number(cell(tb, scores, cn).textContent)
             , maxscore: Number(cell(tb, max_sc, cn).textContent)
             , tests:    ok.slice(0, ntests).map(test)
    function test(td) { 
      var data = { status: td.textContent.trim() };
      if ('#000000' === td.getAttribute('bgcolor'))
        data.crash = true;
        return data.status;
      return data;
    var table = $$('table[frame="VOID"]')[0]
      , tb    = table.tBodies[0]
      , thr   = tb.rows[0]
      , tests, ntests, nbrowsers, notescol, daterow, browsers, scores, max_sc, 
      , renderers
    browsers = row(tb, 0).slice(2).map(function(h){return h.querySelector('b'); });
    nbrowsers = notescol = browsers.indexOf(null)
    tests = col(tb, 1).slice(3).map(function(td){ return td.querySelector('a'); });
    ntests = daterow = tests.indexOf(null);
    scores = ntests + 8;
    max_sc = ntests + 9;
    tests = tests.filter(I).map(function(a, i) {
      var rn   = 3 + i
        , data = { id:  a.textContent.replace(/^[\d.\s]+/, '')
                 , url: a.href
        , note = cell(tb, rn, 2 + notescol).textContent
        , ycol = cell(tb, rn, 0).textContent;
      if (note) data.note = note;
      if (ycol) data.y = 'Y'
      return data;
    renderers = browsers.filter(I).map(function(b, i) {
      var td   = b.parentNode
        , data = browser_class(b, i)
        , test = data.tests
      delete data.tests;
      data.type = '#FFCC99' === td.getAttribute('bgcolor') ? 'native' : 'plugin';
      data.tests = test; // put the tests last in the output JSON
      return data;
  3. copy and paste the results into your json file:
