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Air Force Bases in the US using counties.json

This map shows the US map with county-lines where blue indicates that there's an AF base. But not quite. Some counties have more than one base and I wanted to show all the bases on the map. In hindsight, that wasn't the best way to go about it. Obviously not as impressive as the original example from stevenae/8362841, but I just wanted to get a map working at the time.

I also learned a lesson here. While looking at a choropleth is fun and impressive (for the stevenae's case) if well-made, you really have to ask yourself: Do you really want to show your data on a map? I've gotten several request to show base manning level on a map, but choropleth was not the best way to go about it, especially the county level map (Imagine this US county map sparsely colored with shades of red and blue)