The last chart adds the ability to select a random individual series and see which clusters it had been assigned.
d3.classed() generally uses the underlying classList property of a DOM element which returns a DOMTokenList. We can iterate through the list of classes using its length
and item
I have given lines classes like k3-c2
which would map to the cluster with the background rect
. This makes highlighting which clusters contain the selected individual a breeze.
var randomSelector ="body").append("p")
.append("button").text("Select Random Individual");
randomSelector.on("click", function() {
// unhighlight all individuals
d3.selectAll(".k1-c1").classed("selected-individual", false);
d3.selectAll(".line-matrix-background").classed("matrix-outline", false);
// highlight selected individual
var individuals = d3.selectAll(".k1-c1")[0];
var selectedIndividual = individuals[Math.floor(Math.random()*individuals.length)];"selected-individual", true);
// returns a DOMTokenList
var selectedClassList = selectedIndividual.classList;
var clusterName = "";
var clusterIds = [];
for (var i = 0; i < selectedClassList.length; i++) {
// for each class that identifies a cluster, outline that cluster
clusterName = selectedClassList.item(i);
if (clusterName.indexOf("k") === 0) {
clusterIds = clusterName.split(/k|-c/);"#rect-" + clusterIds[1] + "-" + clusterIds[2]).classed("matrix-outline", true);