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Bar Chart and Line Chart on Same D3 Plot

New Mexico Oil & Gas Employment

This visualization shows employment for the oil, gas & mining sector for New Mexico state and counties in 2010 through 2014 including a Y/Y change (bar chart). In addition, the 2014 data shown in the pie chart compares sector employment to total employment in the geography. The goal of this visualization is for the viewer to answer their own questions and draw their own conclusions. Standards of good graph making (as presented by Tufte) have been followed in an attempt to not influence viewers opinions.
What's nice about this code is it is driven off of CSV files. By changing the names of the CSV files in the index.html file, I can change the plots entirely. The math behind it makes the charts adapt given that you zero fill missing geographies. This was a fun plot to make. Not only is their an interactive pie chart showing employment in the Oil & Gas sector, but the graph has 2 different scales going on. Ultimately because of how d3 works, scaling to this to include many more secors or geographies is easy. I created this as a set, one for each 2 digit NAICS industry code.
The data behind this chart is from the quarterly census of employment and wages, a Bureau of Labor Statistics program. I created this for work on a website, BBER.UNM.EDU, check out this and many more over there.

forked from ndobie's block: Bar Chart and Line Chart on Same D3 Plot