var settings = { x: {column: "Group", type: "ordinal", label: "Group" }, y: {column: "Boiling point", type: "linear", label: function(){return this.config.y.column; } }, marks: [ {type: "bar", per: ["Group"], split: "Period", arrange: "grouped"}, {type: "circle", per: ["Group"], summarizeY: "mean", tooltip: "[Name]", attributes: {"fill-opacity": 1, fill: "black", "stroke": "black"}, size: 4} ], color_by: "Period", max_width: 800, gridlines: 'xy' }; var controls = webCharts.createControls('div.chart', { location: 'top', inputs:[ {type: "dropdown", option: "y.column", label: "Y Values", values: ["Mass", "Boiling point", "Melting point", "Density", "Radius"], require: true}, {type: "subsetter", value_col: "Period", label: "Filter by Period"}, {type: "subsetter", value_col: "Group", label: "Filter by Group"} ] } ); var coolChart = webCharts.createChart('div.chart', settings, controls); d3.csv('elements2.csv', function(e,d){ coolChart.init(d); console.log(coolChart) var counter=5; interval = setInterval(function() { counter--; if(counter < 0) { coolChart.destroy(); coolChart=null; controls=null;'body').select(".message").html("💥The chart and controls have been destroyed💥.
") clearInterval(interval) } else {'body').select(".message").text("This chart will self-destruct in in " + counter.toString() + " seconds.") } }, 1000); })