Built with blockbuilder.org
When NEON was first starting to offer small mammal box trapping data, I wanted a way to look at capture distributions. So, I put together a small D3.js visualization that showed a capture distribution heat map by counting trap locations from the capture file.
This code updates the visualization to use the NEON Data API to grab current data from the portal. The code queries the /products/DP1.10072.001 endpoint to see what data is available for small mammal capture. It uses that to populate a dropdown with site codes, and requests a list of months available for the currently selected site code. From there, it requests a list of files for each month, then pulls the capture data file for that month. For each site, it stitches the file contents together, then splits them up by plot, and creates the heatmaps.
Click the "Open" icon to the right to see this full screen!.