d3 scatterplot example using the Breakfast Cereal Dataset from http://idvbook.com and based on the scatterplot example at /mbostock/3887118
What is the type of mark used in the scatterplot?
Mark used is point.
List the channels, the attribute they are mapped to, and the data type of that attribute.
Channels are color and position.
Attributes are Calories,Proteins and Breakafast cereal type.
Color indicates the Breakfast cereal type.
Calories are plotted along the horizontal spatial position channel.
Proteins are plotted along the vertical spatial position channel.
Inspired by Andrew Winterman’s post, Tooling for the Lazy Programmer: DRYing up D3.
forked from weiglemc's block: D3 Scatterplot Example
Modified http://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js to a secure url