const GRID_DIMENSION = 3; const CELL_SIZE = 100; const MARGIN = 30; // Helper function for creating a straight line in SVG, given its coordinates. function createSVGLine([x1, y1], [x2, y2]) { const line = document.createElementNS('', 'line'); line.setAttribute('x1', x1); line.setAttribute('y1', y1); line.setAttribute('x2', x2); line.setAttribute('y2', y2); return line; } // Helper function to create a cross symbol from 2 SVG lines, given its intended size. The cross is centered on [0, 0]. function createSVGCross(size) { const g = document.createElementNS('', 'g'); const line1 = createSVGLine([-size, -size], [size, size]); const line2 = createSVGLine([-size, size], [size, -size]); g.appendChild(line1); g.appendChild(line2); return g; } class TicTacToe { constructor() { // 2-dimensional array to store the ID of the player whose symbol is in each grid cell. Initially all are null. this.boardState = new Array(GRID_DIMENSION).fill(null).map(column => new Array(GRID_DIMENSION).fill(null)); // Which player's turn it is. 1 = cross, 2 = circle. this.turn = 1; this.gameOver = false; this.filledSquares = 0; this.boardView = this.initializeBoardView(); this.displayMessage('Player 1 goes first'); this.boardView.addEventListener('click', event => { // Figure out which grid square was clicked on in this turn, and then handle that turn. const gridX = Math.floor((event.pageX - MARGIN) / CELL_SIZE); const gridY = Math.floor((event.pageY - MARGIN) / CELL_SIZE); this.handleTurn(gridX, gridY); }); } // Set up the basic SVG for the board, including the grid lines. initializeBoardView() { const div = document.getElementById('game'); const boardSize = GRID_DIMENSION * CELL_SIZE; const svg = document.createElementNS('', 'svg'); svg.setAttribute('width', boardSize + (MARGIN * 2)); svg.setAttribute('height', boardSize + (MARGIN * 2)); div.appendChild(svg); const board = document.createElementNS('', 'g'); board.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + MARGIN + ',' + MARGIN + ')'); svg.appendChild(board); const rect = document.createElementNS('', 'rect'); rect.setAttribute('width', boardSize); rect.setAttribute('height', boardSize); rect.setAttribute('fill', 'white'); board.appendChild(rect); for (let i = 1; i < GRID_DIMENSION; i++) { let line1 = createSVGLine([CELL_SIZE * i, 0], [CELL_SIZE * i, boardSize]); let line2 = createSVGLine([0, CELL_SIZE * i], [boardSize, CELL_SIZE * i]); line1.setAttribute('class', 'grid'); board.appendChild(line1); line2.setAttribute('class', 'grid'); board.appendChild(line2); } return board; } // Core game logic: deal with a click on the square [gridX, gridY]. handleTurn(gridX, gridY) { // If the game is already over, or this square already contains a symbol, do nothing. if (this.gameOver || this.boardState[gridX][gridY] !== null) { return; } // Otherwise, add the current player's symbol to this square. const symbol = this.createPlayerSymbol(gridX, gridY); this.boardView.appendChild(symbol); this.boardState[gridX][gridY] = this.turn; this.filledSquares++; // Check whether this symbol means that the current player has won, or the game has ended in a draw. if (this.playerHasWon()) { this.gameOver = true; this.displayMessage('Player ' + this.turn + ' has won!'); } else if (this.filledSquares === GRID_DIMENSION * GRID_DIMENSION) { this.gameOver = true; this.displayMessage('The game ended in a draw'); } else { // It's the other player's turn. this.changeTurn(); } } changeTurn() { this.turn = this.turn % 2 + 1; this.displayMessage('Player ' + this.turn); } // Create the SVG for the symbol corresponding to the current player (1 = cross, 2 = circle). createPlayerSymbol(gridX, gridY) { const offset = CELL_SIZE / 2; const symbolSize = CELL_SIZE / 5; const g = document.createElementNS('', 'g'); g.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + (gridX * CELL_SIZE + offset) + ',' + (gridY * CELL_SIZE + offset) + ')'); g.setAttribute('class', 'player' + this.turn); if (this.turn === 1) { const cross = createSVGCross(symbolSize); g.appendChild(cross); } else { const circle = document.createElementNS('', 'circle'); circle.setAttribute('r', symbolSize); g.appendChild(circle); } return g; } // Returns true if there is any row, column, or diagonal where every cell matches the current player ID. playerHasWon() { // Check rows if (this.boardState[0].some((cell, i) => this.boardState.every(row => row[i] === this.turn))) { return true; } // Check columns if (this.boardState.some(column => column.every(cell => cell === this.turn))) { return true; } // Check the main diagonal if (this.boardState.every((column, i) => this.boardState[i][i] === this.turn)) { return true; } // Check the other diagonal if (this.boardState.every((column, i) => this.boardState[i][GRID_DIMENSION - 1 - i] === this.turn)) { return true; } return false; } displayMessage(message) { document.getElementById('info').textContent = message; } } new TicTacToe();