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Grouped Bar Chart With Panning And Zooming Via Brushing

This grouped bar chart uses brushes along both the x and y axes to allow for zooming and panning behaviour with a visual cue to the user informing them which sections of each axis they are currently viewing.

It is based around multiple examples, mainly:

It adds the extra ability from the Focus+Context via Brushing brushing example of allowing panning and zooming along an ordinal axis, with credit to AmeliaBR from this StackOverflow answer.

The inspiration for creating this was to achieve a similar experience and functionality to that of Telerik's Silverlight RadChartView component.

forked from MartynJones87's block: Grouped Bar Chart With Panning And Zooming Via Brushing

forked from anonymous's block: Grouped Bar Chart With Panning And Zooming Via Brushing