var render = (function () { var svg ='svg') var vis ='#vis') var width = +svg.attr('width') var height = +svg.attr('height') var xScale = d3.scaleLinear() .domain([0, 100]) .range([0, width]) // append wrap var wrap = vis.append('g') .attr('class', 'ratio-wrap') // append first rect var firstRect = wrap.append('rect') .attr('height', 88) .attr('x', 0) .attr('y', height/2 - 50) .style('fill', '#fbae17') // append second rect var scndRect = wrap.append('rect') .attr('height', 88) .attr('x', 0) .attr('y', height/2 - 50) .style('fill', '#0095a3') // append values var label = vis.append('text') .attr('class', 'ratio-label') .attr('y', height/2 + 5) .style('text-anchor', 'middle') // .style('dominant-baseline', 'central') .style('font-size', 36) .style('fill', '#dddddd') function update(data) { // update the first rect firstRect.attr('width', xScale(data[0])) // update the second rect scndRect.attr('width', xScale(data[1])) // start the first rect after the first ends .attr('x', xScale(data[0])) // append the label label .attr('x', function() { // ensure there is enough space to display numbers console.log('xScale(data[0])', xScale(data[0])) if(xScale(data[0]) < 90 || xScale(data[0]) > (width -90)) { return width/2 } else { return xScale(data[0]) } }) .text(data[0] + ' : ' + data[1]) } // expose the update return update })()