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Flocking VII


This is an attempt at using d3-force to control flocking behavior. As of right now, it is still under construction.

~~This example is an implementation of a simple flocking algorithm that uses the dynamics of repulsion, attraction, and orientation zones. This example is based off of the algorithm described by Couzin.~~

~~The basic principle is that each agent has three regions in a growing radius around it: a zone of repulsion, a zone of orientation, and a zone of attraction respectively. By editing the sizes of these zones you can expect to experience different behaviour.~~

~~This example allows you to see the behavior when two types of agents are used, allowing you to specify parameters for each group.~~


There are two basic types of parameters used: initial conditions and agent parameters. Agent parameters can be updated any time, including while in play. Initial conditions however require a reset before they take effect.

Note: If an initial condition is changed then the Reset button will turn yellow, indicating that a reset is required before some changes take effect.

Initial Conditions:

Agent Parameters:

Color Key:


Dragging/Zooming behavior forked from mbostock's block: Drag & Zoom II

forked from lwthatcher's block: Directional Forces

forked from lwthatcher's block: Flocking

forked from lwthatcher's block: Flocking II

forked from lwthatcher's block: Flocking III

forked from lwthatcher's block: Flocking IV

forked from ojaneeo's block: Flocking IV

forked from lwthatcher's block: Flocking V